About Margaret Dabbs

[Image: Margaret Dabbs]

Margaret Dabbs OBE, Founder and managing director of British beauty brand Margaret Dabbs London™,  is the woman behind the luxury British beauty brand’s commitment to innovation. Margaret is responsible for putting feet and hands at the forefront of the beauty industry, with 14 branded clinics worldwide.

A pioneer of powerful, results-driven formulations for feet, hands, nails and legs, Margaret Dabbs London™ delivers products that harness the best of medical science and beauty. Margaret infuses her philosophy into all the brand’s products and every luxurious clinic treatment. She may be contacted via https://www.margaretdabbs.co.uk/foot-care-products/

Articles by Margaret Dabbs

  1. I’m a Podiatrist: Here’s How You Heal Your Heels

    Listed in bodywork

    The skin is the largest organ in the body, it’s also the first line of defence against germs, cuts, abrasions and all external threats. Our skin works hard to keep us safe, so it’s ...

Book reviews by Margaret Dabbs

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