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About Martin J Walker
![Martin J Walker [Image: Martin J Walker]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/3054.0abb908787b969141f235abf155127f2.jpg)
Martin Walker has been an activist, investigator, political poster artist and writer for most of his adult life. His twelve books, essays and articles and a large number of posters reflect an involvement in campaigns since the occupation of Hornsey College of Art, where he was a student in 1968. Those who want to read a more detailed history of his campaigning and writing, should read my biographical essay, Perilous Journey. Between writing and investigating he has designed and printed posters mainly for political community campaigns, worked for lawyers as an investigator and helped with the defence of those wrongly arrested and imprisoned. Apart from poster design he pursued his art training through ceramics, especially tile decoration and photography. He is personally interested in dissent in different professional fields, especially medicine and science and the complex decisions made by individuals who leave orthodoxy to enter the world of alternatives. On a broader level he is interested in how the growth of corporate power, capitalism and technology erodes individuality, individual choice and democracy. For the last twenty years his writing and investigating has been confined almost entirely to the field of corporate lobby groups involved in pharmaceutical marketing and the cover-up of adverse reactions. Please refer to his website for a more complete view of his campaign involvement. www.slingshotpublications.com/martin-j-walker
Most recently between 2007 and 2011 he has reported, written essays and edited and published two books by parents about the adverse reactions caused to children given the MMR vaccination. He followed and wrote about the case of Dr Andrew Wakefield attending every day of the bogus three year trial organized by the General Medical Council.
Martin Walker's books, have been hegemonic, including SKEWED: Psychiatric hegemony and the manufacture of mental illness in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Gulf War Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HRT: Licenced to Kill and Maim, Dirty Medicine and Dirty Medicine The Handbook, available from www.slingshotpublications.com/Books and Amazon www.amazon.co.uk/Dirty-Medicine-Handbook-Martin-Walker/dp/0956409318 . He is a prolific activist on Facebook www.facebook.com/frakatime
Articles by Martin J Walker
Clinical Ecology: Stratagem for a Poisoned World
Listed in environmental
Over the last twenty years, a major schism has developed between those doctors who are willing to accept only food intolerance as a classic cause of allergy, and those who have deve...
Listed in medical conditions
Between January and November 2014, I was a patient at one of the biggest and most modern hospitals in Europe, in a country whose language I did not speak.
Book reviews by Martin J Walker
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