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About Martin Lane
![Martin Lane [Image: Martin Lane]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/2372.31e6ecee863313dd9199a352f9d77360.jpg)
Martin Lane Technical Director of Field Science Ltd has had a lifelong interest in farming. After leaving the RAF, where he did Cold War service flying in the UK and Germany, he developed an interest in the declining standard of plant, animal and human health resulting from industrialized chemical agriculture ( 40-60% of the essential mineral content of our food has disappeared since 1940, to be replaced by an average of 200 chemical residues). Martin worked with a pioneer in the improvement of livestock health via optimal nutrition and then formed a family-owned company specializing in the improvement of plant, livestock and human health through re-mineralizing soils after many decades of synthetic fertiliser and chemical abuse.
Martin still does a lot of work with livestock, dairy and arable farmers to improve the nutritional quality of crops and livestock and also works with a major retailer to provide meat, fruit and vegetables of much improved nutritional quality. He also re-mineralizes sports and amenity land to improve quality and provide a natural resistance to disease. Martin believes that the best way to improve human health is to re-create healthy soil. Healthy soil produces healthy plants for the consumption of healthy animals and humans alike. We should never forget that 47% of the NHS budget is spent treating diseases and conditions which are the direct and indirect results of poor quality nutrition. Martin may be contacted on Tel: 01935 873933; fieldscience@aol.com www.fieldscience.co.uk
Articles by Martin Lane
Damaged Soils, Human Health and how to Improve the Quality of Food
Listed in environmental
Documentary evidence shows that mineral content of UK-grown food crops has declined by an average of 60% since 1940. This decline has been matched by a commensurate fall in soil hum...
Living Soils - 'Re-Dressing the Balance'
Listed in environmental
I want to focus on how we can further improve both crops and the environment by restoring full vigour to the countless life forms that should be present in a living soil. I say “sho...
How Organic Principles will Inform Future Food Production
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There has been a great deal of disparaging copy concerning organically grown food in recent years. The tone has become more vitriolic as the popularity of organics has grown and, as...
It’s Not Too Late to Save the Soil - The Earth’s Fragile Skin
Listed in environmental
Documentary evidence shows that mineral content of UK-grown food crops has declined by some 60% since 1940. This decline has been matched by a commensurate fall in soil humus level...
A New Approach to Food and Farming
Listed in environmental
I have written several articles for Positive Health PH Online over the last two years. Their common theme has been the steady deterioration in the nutritional quality of food since...
Book reviews by Martin Lane
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