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About Midi Fairgrieve
![Midi Fairgrieve [Image: Midi Fairgrieve]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/2500.b7f945b48a0b49a2a6947c74c5274ac1.jpg)
Midi Fairgrieve DN Med DIridol Dip PCouns DThD Nutritional Therapist, (Member of the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, Associate member, SRMHC) is originally from the Scottish Borders and in 1990 studied natural health and healing. She gained professional qualifications in Nutritional Medicine, Dietary Therapeutics and Iridology from the British School of Nutritional Medicine in London with Professor Lawrence Plaskett. Finding that complete healing needs a truly integrated approach she continued to train in other therapeutic arts, gaining qualifications in Progressive Counselling and Natural Spiritual Healing at the Self-Realization Meditation Healing Centre in Somerset, England.
Her experience of working with both cancer and infertility with specific detoxification regimes has given her great insights into the power of detoxification and inspired her to create a programme which is uniquely holistic in its approach. This was the inspiration for creating Detox International, where people could come and retrerat for a week, detoxify, nurture their bodies and minds and be supported to find better health and happiness. Midi’s personal experience of overcoming infertility using nutrition and detoxification has increased her passion for working with clients to regain the best of health. Midi has written for many magazines and health publications and is the author of The Natural Way for Dogs and Cats: natural treatments, diet and remedies for your pet.
Midi lives in Spain with her partner Steve and their son, Joe and may be contacted on Tel: 0845 1000247 midi@detox-international.com www.detox-international.com
Articles by Midi Fairgrieve
Holistic Treatment for People and Pets
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If ever there is something wrong with my dog that does not require urgent veterinary attention, I always opt for complementary treatment.
Case Study: Infertility - A Nutritionist's Personal View
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In this Case Study about infertility, the author shares her own journey and treatment programme to fertility which included correcting her nutrient levels; taking several different...
Case Study: Detoxification Relieved 25 Years of Headaches
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I am often asked by people enquiring about our retreats “if a week is long enough?” It’s a hard question to answer, because the answer is so individual to the questioner. A week lon...
Book reviews by Midi Fairgrieve
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