About Nicky Snazell
Nicky runs her own IMS clinic near Stafford. Previously she has run Physiotherapy Departments in both NHS and Private Hospitals. She is one of only a few practitioners in the world qualified to instruct IMS and was the first in the world to be awarded a fellowship of iSTOP for her outstanding dedication and skills in IMS. Nicky has degrees in both physiotherapy and zoology with comparative physiology. She is an acupuncturist, has post graduate qualifications in sports medicine and orthopaedic medicine, and is also a Reiki master.
Nicky is currently holding one-to-one internships at her clinic for both Medical Doctors and Physiotherapists, following a very successful four-days introductory course last autumn with Prof Gunn. She will endeavour to run more courses and internships in Europe in the summer, once current students complete their internships. She can be contacted at her clinic on Tel: 01889 881488; nickysnazell@aol.com