About Nigel Neill
Nigel Neill is a professional community musician based in the south west of the UK running four community choirs in Taunton, Exeter, Minehead and Tiverton. He has worked extensively with learning disability groups and in life limiting care settings as well as providing on going music programmes for the brain injury charity Headway throughout Somerset, working with Parkinson’s UK in North and West Somerset and providing music for those with dementia in residential home settings. He has worked closely with the mental health charity Rethink.
His qualifications include a combined science honours degree; post graduate certificate in music and health (UWE) and certificate (level four) in counselling skills (UWE). He recently studied music therapy for two years in Bristol, before switching to counselling skills for a third year. Nigel is 58 years old, lives in West Somerset and is married with no children and may be contacted via nigel@moorvalecreativecic.org.uk www.moorvalecreativecic.org.uk/songtherapy.htm