About Pauline Allen
Pauline Allen AIT is a neuro-developmental practitioner and sound and light therapist working with adults and children with learning, behavioural and emotional difficulties. Over the years she has become aware that some of the chronic and acute medical conditions of those she sees bear relation to earlier CNS dysfunctions and that brain anomalies must not be overlooked. She is a Member of The International Association of Bérard Practitioners, is on the advisory board of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners for sound therapy and is a founder member of The Developmental Practitioners Association. She runs The Sound Learning Centre and may be contacted there at 12 The Rise, London. N13 5LE, Tel. 020 8882 1060, Fax. 020 8882 1040. pallen@thesoundlearningcentre.co.uk www.thesoundlearningcentre.co.uk
Articles by Pauline Allen
Sound Therapies: Universal Panacea or Placebo?
Listed in sound and music
This article highlights the many improvements in terms of a wide range of physical, emotional and learning difficulties that can be achieved through sound therapy. It distinguishes ...
Book reviews by Pauline Allen