About Peter Smith
Peter Smith RSHom FSHom has been a Registered Homeopath in practice in Cornwall, England since 1984. Since first becoming involved in the Lowermoor Water Poisoning Incident of 1988, which took place in N Cornwall in and around Camelford, he has been searching constantly for ways in which to help not only those affected by the aluminium sulphate but also the patients in his practice, to cope more effectively with the increasingly serious environmental toxic load which we all face. Drawn towards an eclectic approach, he has integrated Complex Homeopathy into his regular Classical/Practical homeopathic approach. Peter has been a bodyworker since 1982, starting with Spinal Touch, then briefly Orthobionomy and Hyperton-X, now referred to as Gentle Muscle Release (GMR) as well as developing tools or techniques for panic attacks, anxiety, stress ‘grounding’, ‘centre-ing’ and assertiveness. Peter may be contacted via pcksmith@talktalk.net http://www.pcksmith.com/ https://cosmic-unicycle.com/ https://www.gmracademy.co.uk/