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About Rajgopal Nidamboor
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Rajgopal Nidamboor PhD FCCP M-CAM is a Board-Certified wellness physician, Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians (FCCP), Member of the Center of Applied Medicine (M-CAM), writer-editor, commentator, critic, columnist, author, and publisher. His special interests include natural health and wellness, mind-body/integrative medicine, nutritional medicine, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. His focus areas also encompass contemporary research and dissemination of dependable information for people concerned about their health. He feels that it is increasingly gratifying to see most individuals, including physicians, thinking outside the box – especially in areas such as natural health, where the body knows best to heal itself from the inside out. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, Web articles, four books on natural health, two coffee-table books, a handful of E-books, a primer on therapeutics, and, most recently, Cricket Odyssey. He’s Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360, a mobile health application/platform, connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic, Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360. Rajgopal Nidamboor lives in Navi Mumbai, India. He may be contacted via raj@rajnidamboor.com
Articles by Rajgopal Nidamboor
The Essence of Amplified Action
Listed in psychospiritual
Human proclivity to grasp complicated characteristics into a combine of “we-contra-others” should, perforce, be resolved as erroneous in our macrocosm of shades and the perpetual. I...
Of Refined Wisdom and Positive Change
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It is an oft-repeated cliché as also the timeless truth - that we represent our personality, with no facsimile or prototype. In other words, each of us is as unique as our signature...
Multidimensional Realm of our Being
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There is nothing that our mind’s compass and radar cannot see, feel, perceive, or distinguish with its own molecules of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Happiness is Feeling Light and Vibrant
Listed in psychospiritual
Happiness is everyone’s birthright - provided one embraces the element with alacrity and also glee. Happiness is not just something that connotes contentment or pleasure - it corres...
Listed in psychospiritual
We are in the grip of a new, inundating wave. Success. The idea is to pursue and realize the ‘achievement badge,’ pronto. The less the wait, the better it is at the altar of accomp...
The Info-Realm of our Conscious Awareness
Listed in psychospiritual
It goes without saying that all of us inherit our to-follow goals, while giving certain priorities for our fondest preferences. Most of us visualize level-headed goals.
Of Body, Brain and Placebo Effect
Listed in psychospiritual
While most theories on human nature were based on conscious experience, the cascading impact of new scientific thought has pigeonholed them as pre-scientific hearsay, or folk psycho...
You are what your Emotions Are
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The explanation of unconscious facial expressions is representative of questioning idioms. That our facial expressions reflect our emotions was a stratagem first articulated by Char...
Listed in psychospiritual
Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung articulated that the most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. He also underlined th...
Being in the Zone is Divine Frenzy
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We often think through two channels - creative and analytical - albeit some of us are endowed with the incredulous talent of “suspended” thinking. The creative element of our though...
The Moral Glue of our Conscience
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There are just a handful of people who are contented in our world. Their motto is to simply exist, not really live, beget progeny and pass into emptiness quietly without fanfare. Th...
Listed in psychospiritual
of a plethora of entities, viz., the soul and other material substances.
How to Transform Despair into Harmony
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For most of us, the world is where we live - yet, the fact is it is sometimes beyond our comprehension, especially when we are ‘under the weather’. Depression affects each of us, so...
What You Sow in your Mind You Reap
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The best thing we’d all do, in the turbulent times that we now live in, is to cultivate our mind with a reflective sense of ‘attached detachment’ and vice versa. In other words, we ...
The Fuzzy Logic of Sound Sleep
Listed in sleep and insomnia
Blessings on him that first invented sleep, eulogised the fabled author Miguel de Cervantes. Yet, the irony is there is a distinct, also alarming, lack of awareness about sleep in t...
Walk the Soulful Talk from Deep Within
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All of us - whatever our roots, profession, or purpose - have a natural, innate, or cultivated ability to express our feelings, or resolve our angst, while releasing ourselves from...
The Mirror Reflection of our Being
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Whatever we do, or think, is experienced by our conscious awareness – through its own ‘bespoke’ breadth of knowing, as also reality. This corresponds to one sublime, eternal truth ...
Behold the Divine Beauty in Thyself
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Most people who are familiar with the sublime practice of transcendental meditation (TM) technique – which is akin to the inner relaxation of the mind, or silent wakefulness – know ...
Listed in psychospiritual
All of us embody within and outside of us certain – covert, or overt – unresolved emotions. For some, such internal configurations lead to impulsive behaviour, angst, mood swings, s...
Listed in psychospiritual
As the cool, tranquil draft of winter envelopes our face, it ushers in early dusk. It strikes a chord, reminding us that it is time for the trees to smile and their leaves to fall –...
Mystic Mantra: Let the World be your Oyster
Listed in psychospiritual
The philosopher Socrates set the record straight. He believed that our character depended primarily on harmony. When we want to be happy, as he emphasized, we will predictably do wh...
Mystic Mantra: Soul Dance and Balance
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Agreed that we are all endowed with our own distinctive personalities – they are as unique as our signature, or fingerprint. Most of us cultivate or foster certain interests in ar...
Mystic Mantra: Wisdom from the Spider’s Web
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Silk is nature’s sublime, also wondrous creation – because the pint-sized spider, as a freak of nature, was given the facility to make silk, a cloth like no other.
Mystic Mantra: The Soul is the Fount of Conscious Awareness
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The soul in Western and Eastern philosophy has diverse connotations in terms of its relationship with our conscious mind, mind-body and body-mind intelligence.
Mystic Mantra: Be Mindful and Fully Grounded
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The best thing to do is simple, also profound – to detach oneself from such a stranglehold with a sense of attached detachment.
Mystic Mantra: There’s More to Tears than Meets the Eye
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The more powerful the “tear-jerking” plot, visage, or story, the better the liberating upshot. The precept that tears have healing outcomes emerged aeons ago. The philosopher Aristo...
Listed in psychospiritual
Each of us is blessed with wholeness – to hold the divine essence in our being. This corresponds to a mirror with just one reflection – of our soul in the context of our vision. It ...
Listed in colon health
It’s all in the gut is a commonplace precept. It narrates the possibility construct within and outside of our intuitive compass. This isn’t gawking at our star-signs – in simple ter...
Science Loves a Pretty Face: How Close is Theory to the Truth?
Listed in psychospiritual
In addition to the art of decorating and sculpting the human form – many of which have a clear, aesthetic rationale – most societies have developed a vast range of art forms for mov...
Can Complementary & Alternative Medicine Help Fight Covid-19?
Listed in infections and inflammation
It goes without saying that new, stunningly virulent and resurgent illnesses have been escalating around the globe, with alarming intensity, and advancing more rapidly than ever bef...
That 'I' In 'Me' | Madras Courier
Listed in psychospiritual
The philosopher Aristotle never thought in threes. From his law of contradiction, also labelled as the law of the excluded middle, to the binary logic of our modern computer program...
Listed in stress
In today’s tempestuous COVID-19 milieu, stress has become far too invasive, unrelenting and menacing – primarily because it emanates first and foremost from psychological factors, j...
Medical Education Needs Booster Dose
Listed in clinical practice
What is the purpose of medical education, especially in today’s context – when it continues to struggle in the face of the Covid-19 tornado? The answer is simple – medical educati...
Listed in psychospiritual
The philosopher, Plato, thought that we are all in the same yacht apropos of our vision. This, notwithstanding the fact that all of us aim to be better than others while imbibing an...
The Mindful Chill Pill: The Go-To Antidote to Beat Stress
Listed in psychospiritual
Mindfulness conveys to us that our strong unified logic of ourselves is primarily a reflection in the mirror of consciousness. This does not lead to the idea of ‘only us’, or ‘I-me-...
Listed in immune function
First things first: an elderly woman in China, who became seriously ill after getting infected with the COVID-19 virus, made an uneventful recovery following stem cell therapy. Simi...
Listed in sound and music
“Music,” as philosopher Plato said, “gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” It not only fills us with the purpose of th...
Listed in infections and inflammation
The use of antibiotics is based on the paradigm there is a battle in progress in the body and it must be resolved – and, that the body is not capable of success without drug support...
Mind Over Matter: The Fuzzy Logic of our Inner Self
Listed in psychospiritual
Mindful meditation is the practice of intentionally focusing your attention on the present-moment – and accepting it without judgment. It relates to open receptivity and awareness o...
Listed in psychospiritual
Most of us live with far too many expectations – this is also one reason why expectations unfulfilled are awfully disappointing. Expectations reflect our behaviour, including fancie...
Listed in psychospiritual
Hope is that quality of character which carries us through the worst moments of a crisis. It wells up, as though from some deep reservoir, when a cruel and unbearable world seems to...
Listed in psychospiritual
Despite our ‘clash’ with the times, also convention, there has been a huge transformation of position in our minds – from the old to the new. This has been engineered by our progres...
Listed in psychospiritual
There are circuits in the brain that signal our emotions, all right. They have the capacity to seamlessly connect with the type of attention you require to take the right decision. ...
Listed in cfs me long covid
All of us know that a host of new, unusually powerful and resurgent diseases, including COVID-19, have been expanding around us with alarming intensity. This pandemic of epidemics n...
The Cholesterol Dilemma: The Myth and the Reality
Listed in stress
A growing catalogue of research suggests that the cholesterol-heart disease premise is more than questionable. In other words, the idea that high cholesterol, as being the only culp...
Listed in heart
Heart disease is aptly called the silent killer. A case in point: the tragic, untimely demise of Bollywood’s talented singer, Krishnakumar Kunnath, or KK
Dream Sonata: It More than Meets the Mind
Listed in psychospiritual
There isn't anyone who hasn't delved into the essence of dreams since the dawn of civilisation. Our ancients believed that dreams were not only a conduit between our material world ...
The Neuron Saga: Medicine's Fresh New Hope
Listed in neurological and neurodegenerative
You are what you are isn't as simple as it sounds. This is because who we are is based not just on our identities, but also our dreams, hopes, intelligence, memories, the world arou...
Mind Matters: The Physics of Consciousness
Listed in psychospiritual
The essence of time, along with space, holds the pivot to metaphysics. It also finds representation in a host of things that exist in nature. How? With the passing of every event in...
Age is Just a Number: How to Live Long and Healthy
Listed in ageing
Ageing is inevitable, albeit its cadence is not. As the American writer Betty Friedan rightly said, "Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength." While we ...
Listed in psychospiritual
Whatever one’s understanding of high-tech publishing, it goes without saying that all of it originated from the humblest of beginnings – a pioneer called Johannes Gutenberg, and hi...
Sea Medicine: Nature-Nurtured Therapeutics
Listed in environmental
Water is the elixir of life - a great source of nutritional and medicinal substances, too. It was but natural that our ancients knew about seawater's natural therapeutic properties....
Mirrored Healing – All About Biofeedback
Listed in energy medicine
It is not as bizarre as it appears to be on the surface. The human body and the ubiquitous chip have something in common – a palpable flair for self-regulation. Your electronic gizm...
Listed in colon health
It’s the typical morning sonata. You’ve your hasty breakfast, before leaving for office, and the whole process brings about certain internal fluctuations. The first thing you know i...
Hypnosis: Focused Healing – Thinkwellness360
Listed in hypnosis
The quintessential discovery of hypnosis is attributed to Dr Franz Anton Mesmer MD, the ‘non-conformist’ 18th-century Viennese physician. Dr Mesmer, it is now evidenced, used a meth...
Listed in neurological and neurodegenerative
It goes without saying that neurobiology holds fresh hope for individuals suffering from emotional as well as other developmental disorders. This is because of the prospect of quic...
Wired Grandeur – Fixing the Faulty Gene
Listed in dna gene expression
Our memories in the future may emerge in the form of a pill — a pill that expands our ‘normal’ memory. Such a pill, ‘in the works,’ has already been used in patients with memory los...
Listed in anxiety
Anxiety is as old as the hills – a part of life too. Excess, or long-term, anxiety is a contributory factor for several disorders – nay a direct cause of illness. It, likewise, alb...
Listed in psychospiritual
Don’t sweat the small stuff is a common adage. The fact is – small, or little, things upset us greatly. They disturb our life’s tempo and trigger stress. Studies show that your hea...
Listed in psychic and spiritual
The idea of consciousness and its relationship between mind and brain have puzzled, bamboozled and flummoxed philosophers and scientists alike since the dawn of civilisation. They s...
The Soul's Code: The Key to Living a Full Life
Listed in psychospiritual
We should not – in a few things – outgrow the 'child' residing in us when we grow up. Kids, for instance, have an unfettered gift to expressing their emotions. Psychologists say th...
Nanomedicine – Making Treatment Safe and Precise
Listed in dna gene expression
It is obvious that nanomedicine is poised to revolutionize medicine for treating a host of disorders that have no easy, or long-term, curative answers
Listed in environmental
Picture this – the damage to soil caused by powerful chemical pesticides, not to speak of their impact on beneficial soil microbes as also intrusion on the natural growth of plants,...
Chocoholism: To Binge, Or Not To?
Listed in nutraceuticals
A brace of squares at lunch time, or dinner. Or, a steaming cup before bedtime. Just think of a simile – “Wouldn’t it be ‘loverly?’” as Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn) crooned, wit...
Winter's Tale: Of Moody Blues and Letting Go
Listed in depression
As the cool waft of winter caresses our face, it ushers in an early nightfall. To use a metaphor, winter strikes a chord. It reminds us that it is time for leaves to wobble in the a...
Fix the Vexation: To Ease the Fizzy Storm
Listed in psychospiritual
Annoyance, vexation or anger are natural, instinctive responses to external, or internal, triggers. They signify a strong, aggressive state of mind and behaviour – a basic human ins...
Book reviews by Rajgopal Nidamboor
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