About Ramesh Sivaraj
Ramesh Sivaraj MBBS MS DNB PG Cert Medical Science FRCS Ed FRCOphth is an Ocular Consultant at Midland Eye, which was founded by four ophthalmic surgeons who wanted to provide patients with a comprehensive, specialist service for the diagnosis and treatment of all eye conditions. The Midland Eye team are leaders in their field and offer a consultant-only service to all patients requiring eye care or surgery. Every consultant is qualified to treat common eye conditions such as cataracts but each one also has a particular area of specialisation, ensuring that patients get the best possible outcome, no matter what the diagnosis. He may be contacted via https://midlandeye.com/
Articles by Ramesh Sivaraj
Options For Treating Astigmatism
Listed in vision and eye sight
Astigmatism is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you have ever experienced blurry or distorted vision, headaches, or eye strain, you might be deal...
Book reviews by Ramesh Sivaraj