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About Roger S Meacock
![Roger S Meacock [Image: Roger S Meacock]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/4316.9115e22b4aa2b7530fef07f6e966fbab.jpg)
Roger S Meacock BVSc MRCVS qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 1992, but has been treating his patients using cutting edge medical technologies since 1998. He has clients throughout the UK and abroad. As a vet he specializes in treating horses and dogs primarily, but also treats people as a Human Practitioner. He specializes in treating clinical cases where conventional approaches offer little hope, or are failing or where people prefer a more natural approach from the start. Roger was the first vet in the world to routinely use Scenar and the e-Lybra bioresonance system. Recently Roger has added Wave Genetics to his healing toolbox with great results. He can be contacted via Wave Genetics (UK) Ltd on Tel: 07866 687 296;
office@wavegenetics.co.uk https://wavegenetics.co.uk/ and for his Vet/human work via roger@naturalhealingsolutions.co.uk Natural Healing Solutions
Articles by Roger S Meacock
Listed in animals
Much has been written in the West regarding the Russian Skenar devices, most of which is anecdotal. Not surprisingly, the scientific community has been skeptical about a device whic...
Energy Balancing with the e-Lybra 8 System
Listed in animals
In this article which focuses on the e-Lybra 8 system – a technology that has spawned various offshoot products combining modern hi-tech products with Energy Medicine â€â€...
Quinton Marine Plasma - Medical and Nutritional Applications
Listed in nutraceuticals
This article explains the Quinton Marine Plasma QMP), its medical and nutritional applications and why it could be considered the ideal nutritional treatment and supplement capable ...
A Holistic Approach and Scenar to Treat Lameness in a Horse
Listed in animals
The following case study demonstrates how a lateral-thinking approach to equine lameness can often result in a successful conservative approach to treatment avoiding radical surger...
Wave Genetics as Developed by the Late Professor Peter Gariaev
Listed in dna gene expression
Few scientists have contributed so much to a single field as Professor Peter Gariaev PhD has done to revolutionize our understanding of DNA. He is maybe best known for his discovery...
Book reviews by Roger S Meacock
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