About Stephen MacAllan

[Image: Stephen MacAllan]

Stephen MacAllan Lic Ac BAc MAc MH Cert BERM MAM/H MBAcC  is a qualified practitioner of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Vega-testing, Kosmed, Angelic Reiki and Rife technology. He trained and worked in Humanistic Psychotherapy and Neo-Reichian Bodywork from 1975-1979. In 1979 Traditional Acupuncture resolved some of his own health issues and he seized an opportunity to train with Professor Worsley at the College of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, receiving his Lic Ac in 1982, my BAc in 1986, and his MAc in 1990. Through the 1990s he trained with Kitty Campion and the College of Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy and studied Bio-Energetic Regulatory Medicine. In recent years he became interested in Energy/Frequency Medicine, hence his Rife machine and training in Angelic Reiki; he will be doing the Master training shortly. He works in two practices, in Harley Street London and in Crewe, Cheshire and may be contacted on Tel: 01270 650336; Mob: 07985 585718;   stephen@stephenmacallan.co.uk   

Articles by Stephen MacAllan

  1. Natural Treatment Approaches for Resolving Food and Environmental Allergies

    Listed in allergies

    Almost everyone you meet, these days has an allergy to something - a foodstuff, a household cleaning product, a perfume or some other common chemical. The most important thing to un...

  2. The Mercury Papers - The Most Expensive Medical Mistake in the History of the World

    Listed in dentistry

    This paper documents the history of amalgam fillings (When the American Society of Dental Surgeons was formed in 1840, its members were required to sign a pledge never to use mercur...

Book reviews by Stephen MacAllan

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