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About Vera Kaur
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Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin and currently lives in the Forest of Dean, England. Indian holistic healthcare was part of her upbringing and in her twenties she visited and lived in ashrams in India, where she observed the remarkable results of the self-healing practices used by the traditional energy healers. Vera would like us all to be empowered with this ancient Indian wisdom, to take responsibility for our own health and well-being. Through her dreams and meditations she was guided to write her book Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies available to purchase via her website. Vera may be contacted via verakaur@btinternet.com www.verakaur.com/
Articles by Vera Kaur
Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies Empower The Body’s Innate Ability To Self-Heal
Listed in yoga
The human body is a latticework of energies, vibrating at different frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It has been perfectly created to...
Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies To Heal The Root Cause Of Addiction
Listed in yoga
Addiction is a form of dis-ease and can create an array of negative consequences on the body, mind and emotions. Common addictions include nicotine, alcohol, drug, caffeine, gamblin...
Traditional Indian Holistic Practices To Heal Arthritis And Rheumatism
Listed in arthritis
Traditional Indian healing practices treat the underlying physical cause of arthritis and rheumatism as well as balancing the mind and regulating the emotions to heal the entire bei...
Listed in healing
Our body is a latticework of energies. When our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies flow freely throughout our chakras, we follow our life path with ease and confiden...
4 Traditional Indian Home Remedies For The Skin, Hair And Nails
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In India the medicinal properties of sesame seeds have been widely recognized since ancient times. They protect the body and mind from a wide array of ailments and are associated wi...
Book reviews by Vera Kaur
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