Positive Health Online
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AAMA/MARF: Medical Acupuncture
The website of American Academy of Medical Acupuncture and Medical Acupuncture Research Foundation. General articles on acupuncture and information on Medical Acupuncturist in the US.
An interesting site with full text articles and some links but could do with an update!
Acupuncture [Home Vet]
Brief general information on acupuncture for pets
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine A Classical System
The website of The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. A little general information but mostly about the college.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance
Some general information and details if the Alliance's activities.
Acupuncture Canada The Natural Health Domain
General information about acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Basic information about particular conditions and what can be done for them. Not updated since October 1999.
Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute
A little general information but mostly about The Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute, their policies and training program.
An interesting site covering Traditional Oriental Therapies. Different levels of information i.e. General Information through to Practitioner Level. How to contact Acupuncturists around the world and resources for practitioners and students. Don't allow you to exit site easily!
Acupuncturists and More!
Find a qualified acupuncturist in the US, informational articles, acupuncture schools and laws, healthy products, and much more.
Australian Medical Acupuncture Society
Some general information and articles about acupuncture. Plenty of information on practitioners, meetings and training in Australia.
British Medical Acupuncture Society
Information on the Society and acupuncture in general. How to find a practitioner in the UK. Articles from the Society's journal "Acupuncture in Medicine".
Dr Tierra's Planetary Herbology
Useful articles on various aspects of Traditional Chinese Herbal Mediicne.
Herbal of Wyith R. Cheng
The Chinese herbal materia medica of Wyith Cheng. A useful description of many of the Traditional Chinese herbs and their uses.
Institute of Traditional Medicine
An interesting page with some good links and information on the history of Chinese medicine. Includes pictures of the major herbs and biographies and pictures of the great physicians of the past.
Useful information on Chinese Medicine and particularly on its application to particular clinical situations.
Northern College of Acupuncture
Study Acupuncture with us. We offer a BSc and an MSc in Acupuncture and students on our BSc, who do not already have a degree, are eligible to apply for student loans and grants. Our highly integrated approach creates skilled and confident acupuncturists. You are in clinic from the start! You learn a range of approaches, developing your own style.
Qi Journal
Information and articles on many forms of TCM. Lots of links. Interactive acupuncture model.
Sussex Acupuncture in Brighton Hove and Lewes
Rick Mudie is an experienced member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and a clinical supervisor at The International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM). He provides both general and specialist treatment alongside a highly professional clinical team.
The Chinese Medicine Sampler
A library of useful information and the opportunity (for a fee) to fill in a form and have a "mock diagnosis".
The Journal of Chinese Medicine
The Journal of Chinese Medicine is an English language journal dedicated to professional and student level information on the entire field of Chinese medicine for over 20 years. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong, dietary medicine, world-wide Chinese medicine NEWS, seminar bookings, on-line subscriptions and an on-line bookshop.