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Feldenkrais Guild of North America
We have covered Feldenkrais several times in Positive Health magazine because we believe that he taught good work. This site is A1 in Feldenkrais and if you want to know about the man, how his methods work and sources of information then you can do no better than visit this site.
Feldenkrais Resources
Good site of general Feldenkrais information and links.
Movement Studies Institute
Articles on the method and information on training.
Phillipe Leblond's Feldenkrais Page
A Canadian site with information and articles about the method.
Reese Movement Institute
Information on the Feldenkrais method and training. They sell a wide selection of books and videos.
Somatic Options
A substantial site with articles on the method and information on training.
The Feldenkrais Guild UK
A brief outline of the Feldenkrais method and information on practitioners and training in the UK.