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An Introduction to Flower Essences
A worthwhile introductory article.
Dr Edward Bach Centre
Information on the Centre which occupies the place where Dr Bach lived and worked. Also information on the remedies and the Foundation that runs the centre. Attempts to distance itself from A. Nelson and Co who now prepare and bottle the remedies.
Findhorn Flower Essences
located in the Findhorn community in northern Scotland are made using wild Scottish flowers and pure water from healing wells. On-line consultations and full ordering facility available.
Fleurs de Vieis
a commercial dual language site with an interesting section on the substantial range of flower essences they carry plus a good range of books that can be ordered.
Flower Essence Pharmacy
The site of a supplier of flower, gem and esoteric essences. They carry more than fifty different lines of flower essences alone. Perhaps the best place to see what is available and they have useful general information on how to choose and use flower essences.
Healing Herbs
The site of a company that prepares excellent flower essences according to the principles set out by Dr Bach.
International Flower Essence Repertoire
Beautifully illustrated site with a complete range of essences for sale, books, seminars and news.