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Campaign to Ban Genetically Engineered Foods
A large number of articles and links opposed to GMOs.
Council for Responsible Genetics
An organisation campaigning on a number of genetic issues, including Genetic Discrimination, Patenting and GMOs.
Friends of the Earth
This site has information on many different environmental issues but is particularly strong on GMOs at the moment.
Gene Exchange
A quarterly periodical published by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Some well researched and referenced articles on the issue. One of the articles, "Coming to Market" gives a comprehensive list of GM products that have applied for and received approval in the USA.
Genetically Engineered Food
- Safety Problems. Probably the best site around for finding out more about the whole subject. Articles are divided into levels of scientific complexity so you can find the level that suits you. But all of them tend to be clear and thoughtful. There is also an excellent links page.
Ifgene - The International Forum for Genetic Engineering
Contains a number of interesting articles and debates about the implications of Genetic Engineering, moral and spiritual as well as scientific.
Linda Dawn Hammond
with a number of articles on GMOs.
A slick commercial site with information on their pesticides and GM seeds, but very little that might allay the fears and concerns expressed in all the other sites listed here.
Mother of Natural Law
Some good information aimed at the householder. A comprehensive and regularly updated list of GM free food manufacturers and products available in the USA.
The Future of Cloning: From Dolly The Sheep To Elizabeth Ann In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about cloning and the life of Dolly the sheep, and how she was cloned. Introduction While cloning is something that only exists in science-fiction in the minds of many people, the reality is that we have had cloning technology for decades. Not only have we cracked several types of cloning technology, but there is also exciting potential for cloning to yield beneficial innovations for the future generations of mankind. 1.Introduction We’re going to go through all this and more in today’s guide. Where we can, we have also linked away to resources to support or provide even more in-depth information on some of the subjects that we’ve brought up. Here’s a rundown of each section of this guide and which questions you can expect to be answered within
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
An excellent site about the implications of many forms of Western science, including genetic engineering, on life in the developing world.
The Alliance for Bio-Integrity
An alliance of scientists and religious organisation arguing that from both perspectives bioengineered food is and unsound concept.
The Genetics Forum
Information and campaigning from a group of scientists, lawyers and environmentalists concerned about the long-term impact of genetic science.
The Norfolk Genetic Information Network
A very good site with extensive links and contacts on GM issues.
Third World Network
Some good articles and links on the subject from a third world perspective.
Why was the Potato Doctor sacked?
A site with articles and links about the controversy surrounding the discrediting and sacking of Dr Pusztai, whose research indicated that there might be dangers in Genetically Modified potatoes. A good place to start looking at this fascinating story.