Positive Health Online
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Healing You
Janelle Durham
In-depth information on hands-on healing of the human energy field. Includes Energy Healing, Hands of Light, Hands-on Healing, Healing in the Way of God, Healing Touch, Hucha Mikhuy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Joy's Way, Ju|'hoansi Community Healing Dance, Kahuna Healing, Native American Medicine, Pranic Healing, Qi Gong, Quantum Touch, Reiki, SHEN, Therapeutic Touch and more.
National Federation of Spiritual Healers
The substantial website of the largest organisation of its type.
Self-Help University
Interesting site for self-help products, Thought Field Therapy. The website of Dr Roger Callahan.
The Spirit of Ma'at
a monthly online magazine. Editor-in-Chief: Drunvalo Melchizedek."We seek the truth and integrity underlying spiritual and conscious evolvement information on the Internet - the co-creation of a healthy and peaceful world."
Wholistic Healing Research
Extensive listings of randomized controlled studies of healing in humans, animals, plants, and other living organisms, articles on wholistic spiritual healing.