Positive Health Online
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CafÚ Herpes
An amusing site with some information but it is run by Smith Kline Beecham and is really an advertisement for their drug Famvir.
Quite a bit of information but they do tend to push their products.
Herpes Alternative Approaches
Anyone with a holistic or energy based approach to medicine must be worried to see how suppression is the ultimate aim of most herpes treatments. This page has a good selection of articles and links on alternatives in treating herpes.
Herpes Help Page
Some information but this Glaxo Wellcome site is really just an advertisement for Zovirax and Valtrex.
Herpes Resource Center
Information, resources and links from the American Social Health Association which aims to see an end to venereal disease.
The Herpes Home Page
Information and support with an inclination towards Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Herpes Zone
The Herpes Tour is an excellent introduction and there is more information and an excellent links page.