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GPT-4, ChatGPT & AI Detector by ZeroGPT: detect OpenAI text ZeroGPT the most Advanced and Reliable Chat GPT, GPT4 & AI Content Detector Simple and Credible Open AI and Bard detector tool for Free Millions of users trust ZeroGPT's detector Professional writers, students, educators, freelancers, copywriters ... alike trust ZeroGPT to detect text's source whether it derives from AI tools (like ChatGPT, Google Bard, ...) or human brain. How Does ZeroGPT work? Once you enter the text in the box and then click on the “Detect Text” button to get started. We will start analyzing your text with a series of complex and deep algorithms. These algorithms are developed by ZeroGPT's team and they are backed by our in-house experiments and some highly reputable papers already published. Then we will show you the result as follow: - Your text is Human written - Your text is AI/GPT Generated - Most of Your text is AI/GPT Generated - Your text is Most Likely AI/GPT generated - Your text is Likely generated by AI/GPT - Your text contains mixed signals, with some parts generated by AI/GPT - Your text is Likely Human written, may include parts generated by AI/GPT - Your text is Most Likely Human written, may includes parts generated by AI/GPT - Your text is Most Likely Human written And a gauge with the percentage of the AI/GPT plagiarized text will be displayed for a more detailed result.