Positive Health Online
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Cerebal Palsy Group
Effective cerebral palsy treatment uses every available measure to create positive outcomes for patients challenged by the disorder. Medication is used alongside various forms of therapy, assistive technology, and rehabilitation, to enhance patients’ abilities, manage symptoms and increase comfort.
Doctor Directory
About 500,000 doctors listed in their database
Health News
Current newsfeeds updated hourly
Health on the Net
A non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical information from medically qualified professionals.
Health Plan
Health plans for all 50 states
Hospital Directory
Over 10,000 hospitals searchable by zip code, city etc.
Hospital Jobs Online offers employment opportunities online for healthcare positions and medical jobs!
Medical Matrix
Has around 4000 links to quality medical Internet sites.
This is a really excellent site and contains an awesome amount of stuff. There is an alphabetical links menu for diseases/conditions, Procedures, Medications etc. There are some excellent articles, in fact, this site is well worth visiting to see its full extent.
A UK subset of the Mirago search engine that covers authoritative health information uncluttered by uninformed opinion. It's good to see a UK health site that also has an excellent search facility.
OMNI--Organised Medial Networked Information
Describes itself as the 'UK's gateway to hign quality biomedical resources on the Internet'.