Positive Health Online
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Aconbury Sprouts
Interesting site containing information about sprouted seeds and vegetables, as well as organic wheatgress. Also includes some rather delicious-sounding recipes! Includes contact details so you can order directly from them.
Friends of the Earth
Information on all the major environmental issues with a particularly strong GM food section.
Gardener's Path
Gardener’s Path is your number one resource for gardening advice and troubleshooting tips, planting pointers, and in-depth reviews of our favorite products and must-haves, whether you’re digging the soil in a small space, planting containers indoors, or tending to trees and rows of seasonal veggies on a larger plot of land.
Green and Black's
The site of this wonderful organic chocolate. Includes information on the origins of chocolate; details of conservation and fair trading; as well as recipes using their products.
Green Cuisine
At Penrhos Court, an old manor farm on the Welsh borders, Daphne Lambert runs Green Cuisine courses. She believes we are what we eat and that when organically grown food comes from the land around us it gives us a sense of true well-being. The site gives interesting information on Daphne's Books, Recipes, FAQ's, Articles & forthcoming Courses & Events at Penrhos.
Kids Organics Club
Information and entertainment relating to organic food matters for children. A well presented site but probably not sophisticated enough for any but the fairly young.
Natures Acres
An informative site with information and recipes from an Organic market garden in New Zealand.
Organic - UK
Tips, news and information for anyone interested in organic growing.
Organic Food Co UK
News and information and a searchable database of natural and organic food shops.
Penrhos is a 700-year-old farmstead on the border of Herefordshire & Wales. After 20 years of restoration work by the owners it now emerges as one of the most delightful hotels you could find anywhere. It is dedicated to food & health with residential courses run by chef/nutritionist Daphne Lambert, as well as holding organic seminars & meetings.
Pure Organics
Information on their range of organic foods and where to get them. They also have an online ordering service.
The Green Network
Information on many green issues but particularly strong on organic food.
The Organic Baby Book
Information about this guide to plan, conceive and raise a healthy, organic infant. Written by Tanyia Maxted-Frost, a Positive Health author.
The Pesticide Action Network
A comprehensive collection of links to articles and databases on pesticides. A really useful site.
The Soil Association
Interesting site of the long established certifying and campaigning organisation.
The Vegetarian Society
An informative site with a great deal of news and information on vegetarianism.
Vegetarian Pages
Good site with plenty of information for vegetarians, vegans and anyone reconsidering their eating habits.