Positive Health Online
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Cancer Awareness in Scotland
Interesting site with recommendations, articles, statistics and information on smoking. Pick of the web, Solar and UV reports and more.
Cancer Care Society
Providing free, confidential counselling, emotional support and practical help for anyone whose life is affected by cancer
Cancer Control Journal
Cancer Corner
A selection of 53 journals
Cancer Decisions
Offers expert guidance to patients and their families on the best alternative, complementary and conventional options for specific cancers. Also includes a toll-free (USA) number for advice.
Cancer Guide
A Cancer information guide with sound information on how to understand, interpret and research Cancers and their Treatments. A useful resource for those looking into Cancer where much of the useful information lies between the lines.
Cancer Guide Prostate Page
A number of useful links on prostate cancer.
Cancer Help Network
The site of a centre specializing in the Issels-Gerson Combination Therapy.
Cancer Help: Comprehensive Cancer Resources
An enormous number of Links, Online Support Groups, Mailing Lists, Newsgroups and other resources. Although the number of links is extraordinary there is no annotation with them and so it is hard to differentiate what is useful. If you have the time to find out for yourself this is a good place to start.
Cancer News on the Net
Excellent pages of links. They are sensibly divided up and quick and easy to get around. The pages are simple and so load quickly and the links are concisely and clearly annotated.
Cancer Online Resources
(ACOR) An American site, this provides a mirror of CancerNet and hosts a number of patient produced sites for specific cancers (e.g. pancreatic, testicular and children's cancers). It also hosts over 70 cancer email lists, many of which act as online support groups.
Cancer Research Campaign
A UK cancer charity set up to raise funds for research into cancer.
Cancer Research Foundation of America
Some information and links with a stress on screening and screening programs.
Cancer Research Institute (CRI)
The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) is the world's only nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to harnessing the immune system's power to conquer all cancers. www.cancerresearch.org
Cancer Research Institute (CRI)
The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) is the world's only nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to harnessing the immune system's power to conquer all cancers.
Cancer Research UK
was fromed on 4 February 2002 as a result of the merger between The Cancer Research Campaign and Imperial Cancer Research fund and they are now the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organisation in the world. Lots of user friendly links on this site.
Cancer Web
An excellent searchable database of articles and abstracts on all types of cancer.
CANCERactive UK Complementary and Integrative cancer charity covers orthodox medicine and complementary cancer treatments that may increase survival and even prevent a cancer returning.
CancerBackup formerly CancerBACUP
CancerBACUP merged with Macmillan Cancer Support in 2008, changing its name to CancerBackup. It provides cancer information and cancer support, largely confined to orthodox treatments. Their website has now been taken over by Macmillan and can be found at www.macmillan.org.uk
CancerHelp UK
has details of a range of complementary and alternative therapies.