Positive Health Online
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Texas Medicare Plan
As part of the Texas Medicare Plan - People living with diabetes often need supplies and services to help better manage their disease. Medicare has developed certain coverage rules for the items needed.
The Banting Museum and Education Center
Canadian Diabetes Association website
The Diabetes Center at Endocrine Web
Good clear information on the different types of diabetes and the issues that arise from them.
The Diabetes Monitor
A vast number of articles, links and resources.
The Diabetic Data Centre
News, information, FAQs, mailing lists and links, especially in the UK.
Digital diabetes management: apps and tools for diabetic care Advances in healthcare technology and IT have made chronic illness management easier and more convenient for people with conditions like diabetes. Now, your phone can give you access to healthcare professionals and your treatment plans from the comfort of your own home. You can even use your phone for symptom and medication management. It’s important to talk with your primary health care provider as you set these things up, so you can make sure any technology you’re using is in line with your recommended health plan. The first step in making your phone your main hub for diabetes management is investing in the right technology. This includes hardware and software. You want your phone, as well as your network, to be reliable no matter where you are. This way, you’re never cut off from the tools you need. This guide is designed to help people with diabetes outfit their personal devices with everything they need to manage their condition, as well as their general health, right from their phone.
Diabetes and Oral Health: A Comprehensive Guide for Diabetics and Families There are many different disabilities that can negatively affect oral healthcare outcomes. Diabetes, in particular, is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in America and is known to be associated with a variety of serious oral health issues. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can weaken enamel and promote tooth decay, contributing to increased rates of cavity formation and tooth loss among diabetics. Additionally, individuals with diabetes are three times more likely to develop periodontal (gum) disease than those without. If you’re living with diabetes, you may already be fully or partially aware of this risk. However, there’s a lot to unpack when discussing the relationship between oral health and diabetes, and a lot to learn about mitigating the threats it poses. Understanding diabetes Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how the body processes sugar in the blood. When you eat, your body converts the food into sugar and releases it into the bloodstream, causing your blood glucose levels to increase.