Positive Health Online
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Minimum Books
An excellent range of homoeopathic books available by mail order.
Steve and Aviva Waldenstein's Classical Homeopathy Home Page
An excellent site and definitely the best place to find a homeopath in North America.
The British Association of Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons
An excellent website on Veterinary Homoeopathy. Includes a list of homoeopathic vets in the UK, a list that is lamentably short.
The Center for Empirical Medicine
The website of Dr Harris Coulter a homeopath who has some important and interesting things to say about vaccinations, cancer and AIDS.
The Dynamis School for Advanced Homoeopathic Studies
The site of Jeremy Sherr's post-graduate school. Includes information and a large database of remedy provings.
The European and International Councils of Classical Homoeopathy
The joint site of these two organizations that are working hard to bring international harmony to homoeopathy.
The Hanemann Academy of North America
The organization primarily devoted to the work of Robin Murphy. This site contains some very useful information.
The Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The website of this innovative homoeopathic pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells, England. Useful information and how to order their superb range of remedies, books and kits.
The Homoeopath
The Journal of The Society of Homoeopaths.
The Homoeopathic Information Service
Contains information about all aspects of homoeopathy. Comprehensive homoeopath list for the UK, information and links. Runs the Cured Symptoms Database as a way of widening the understanding of new and little known remedies. Also contains the full text of a number of provings of new remedies and articles about provings. Well worth a visit.
The Journal of The Institute of Homoeopathy
An informative journal published on line and in print.
The National Center for Homeopathy
Plenty of information about homeopathy and a searchable database of practitioners.
The New England Journal of Homeopathy
The journal of Paul Herscu's New England School of
The North American Society of Homeopaths
An informative site from an important organization representing professional homeopaths in North America
The School of Homoeopathy
The website of this respected school that now has branches around the world with full courses in Devon, England and New York. Has information about the school, seminars by faculty and provings conducted by the school.
The Society of Homoeopaths
The website of the largest of the British homoeopathic organizations. Includes general information and a list of registered homoeopaths.
The Travelling Homoeopaths Collective
The Travelling Homoeopaths Collective is a registered charity that provides acutes clinics at festivals and events. The website has information about their work and the events they attend.
Weleda UK Ltd
The site is mostly concerned with their products but it does include some interesting information on homoeopathic and anthroposophical medicine.
Will Taylor's Website
A good looking site with very carefully chosen resources and links.