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Listed in Issue 156
ANDERSON and CUTSHALL, Thoracic/Vascular Intensive Care Unit, St. Mary's Hospital-Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. anderson.patricia4@mayo.edu review (17 refs) the benefits of massage in the reduction of pain, anxiety, and tension in cardiac surgical patients.
Integrative therapies have gained support in the literature as a method to control pain and anxiety. Many institutions have integrated massage therapy into their programs.
Few studies have looked at the specific benefits of massage therapy for cardiac surgical patients. These patients undergo long surgical procedures and often complain of back, shoulder, and neck pain or general stress and tension. Clinical nurse specialist identify the benefits for patients and bring the evidence on massage therapy to the clinical setting. This article will provide an overview of the benefits of massage in the reduction of pain, anxiety, and tension in cardiac surgical patients.
Reports of benefits seen with integration of massage in one cardiac surgical unit as part of evidence-based practice initiative for management of pain will be described. A clinical case example of a patient who has experienced cardiac surgery and received massage therapy will be shared.
Anderson PG AND Cutshall SM. Massage therapy: a comfort intervention for cardiac surgery patients. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 21(3): 161-5; quiz 166-7. May-Jun 2007.