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Research: BUSELLI and STUART
Listed in Issue 28
BUSELLI and STUART, Specialist Wellcare Associates for Integrated Health, Boston, Massachusetts USA write that management of the heart attack patients may extend beyond the physiological to include psychosocial factors which may adversely affect cardiac health.
Psychosocial factors including depression, coronary-prone behaviour, hostility, social isolation, anxiety, anger and stress are related to increased cardiac death and illness. Interventions including cognitive-behavioural therapies, techniques eliciting the relaxation response, meditation, exercise and increasing social networks may play a role in improving health outcomes. The authors review (55 references) the relationship of these psychosocial factors to cardiac health and propose a biopsychosocial model of care.
Buselli EF and Stuart EM. Influence of psychosocial factors and biopsychosocial interventions on outcomes after myocardial infarction. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 13(3): 60-72 Apr 1999.
Not myself being an expert in heart disease risk factors, it would appear that the above factors are self-evident and have been known for several decades. Please correct me if I am wrong!