Research: FRENG and colleagues,

Listed in Issue 34


FRENG and colleagues, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ulleval University Hospital, Oslo, Norway studied the influence of social, dietary and environmental factors upon incidence of upper digestive tract cancers and upon the prognosis of these cancer patients .



The authors conducted a population-bases case-control study with 84 cancer patients and 89 control patients at Ulleval University Hospital in Oslo, Norway.


Smoking demonstrated the highest odds ratio (OR) for morbidity (OR = 29). Cancer patients had, in general, lower social status, and a higher alcohol intake (OR = 6.6). With regard to both beta-carotene and vitamin C, ORs decreased with increasing intake (OR = 0.2 and 0.3, respectively). Increasing ORs were associated with low values for haemoglobin, iron, TIBC, folic acid, magnesium and especially for albumin (OR = 14) and with high values for ferritin, vitamin B12 and thiocyanate (a marker for smoking). The stage of the disease was an important prognostic factor, with the relative risk (RR) of dying for metastasised versus localised tumours RR = 3.2. Poorer prognosis was associated with higher age, smoking versus non-smoking (RR = 2.3) and to lower levels of haemoglobin, albumin, magnesium and thiocyanate.


Strong beer, liquor, intake of milk and fat, low social status and smoking have a negative impact upon disease and survival. Fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk. Low serum albumin, iron and magnesium were associated with a high OR for cancer, while vitamin C and beta-carotene levels had the opposite effect. No significant implications upon survival could be detected in blood chemistry apart from the stage of disease.


Freng A et al. Malignant epithelial tumours in the upper digestive tract: a dietary and socio-medical case-control and survival study. Eur J Clin Nutr 52(4): 271-8 Apr 1998.


Please note the extremely high odds ratio for smoking (OR = 29). Need I say more!

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