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Research: MERCER and REILLY,
Listed in Issue 105
MERCER and REILLY, Section of General Practice and Primary Care, Division of Community Based Sciences, University of Glasgow, 4 Lancaster Crescent, Glasgow G12 0RR, Scotland, UK, stewmercer@blueyonder.co.uk, present a qualitative study on patients' views of the consultation at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital.
The Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital is an NHS integrative complementary and orthodox medical care unit.
A purposive sample of 14 patients were interviewed for 1-2 hours. These semi-structured in-depth interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Analysis was based on a grounded theory approach.
Two categories of themes emerged: 1) 'outside' consultation ones, related to expectations that were initially formed by the reports of family and friends and ten strengthened by attendance at the GHH; and 2) 'inside' consultation ones which included the length of the consultation, whole-person approach, being treated as an individual, and having their story listened to at length. Equality of relationship, mutual respect, and sharing of decisions were also prominent themes.
Patients attending the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital highly value the holistic approach, and see time, empathy, and the therapeutic relationship as very important.
Mercer SW, Reilly D. A qualitative study of patients' views on the consultation at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital, and NHS integrative complementary and orthodox medical care unit. Patients Education and Counseling 53 (1): 13-18, Apr 2004.