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Research: MOLASSIOTIS and colleagues,
Listed in Issue 139
MOLASSIOTIS and colleagues, School of Nursing, University of Manchester, Coupland III, Coupland Street, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, alex.molassiotis@manchester.ac.uk, have surveyed the use of CAM
therapies by lung cancer patients.
The aim of this study was to assess the use of CAM therapies by patients with lung cancer in 8 European countries.
This cross-sectional survey forms part of a larger study. Data from 111 lung cancer patients in 8 countries in Europe were collected through a descriptive 27-item questionnaire.
The data suggest that 23.6% of the lung cancer patients used CAM after the diagnosis with cancer. The most popular CAM modalities were herbal medicine (48.1%), medicinal teas (11.5%), homeopathy (11.5%), use of animal extracts (11.5%) and spiritual therapies (11.5%). Herbal use increased threefold after the diagnosis of cancer. Patients seemed quite satisfied with the CAM used. They were also spending on average about 142 Euros a month on CAM therapies or remedies. The most common motivation to use CAM was to increase the body’s ability to fight the cancer. Main sources of information about CAM were friends and family.
As CAM is increasingly used by patients with lung cancer, it is important to be able to assist patients make an appropriate decision by discussing the issue of CAM openly, providing reassurance and communicating safe and appropriate information to patients.
Molassiotis A et al. Complementary and alternative medicine use in lung cancer patients in eight European countries. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 12 (1): 34-39, Feb 2006.