Research: MOORE and WIESNER,

Listed in Issue 20


MOORE and WIESNER, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland California USA studied the effectiveness of behaviourally-induced vasodilation hypnosis incorporating biofeedback and autogenics for the treatment of upper extremity repetitive strain injuries (RSI).



30 patients suffering from recent onset of upper extremity RSI symptoms were randomly assigned to either hypnotically-induced vasodilation or a waiting-list control. Treatments were performed individually, once per week for 6 weeks.


Compared to the controls, patients in the hypnosis group showed highly significant increases in hand temperature between pre- and post-treatment and highly significant reductions in pain.



Moore LE and Wiesner SL. Hypnotically-induced vasodilation in the treatment of repetitive strain injuries. Am J Clin Hypn 39(2): 97104. Oct 1996.

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