Research: MOTTRAM and colleagues,

Listed in Issue 28


MOTTRAM and colleagues, Baker Medical Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia write that loss of elasticity in large arteries, called diminished arterial compliance, is an emerging cardiovascular risk factor with a reversible component that includes improved endothelial function. The authors studied whether vitamin E, which may reduce cardiovascular risk, can lower vascular resistance.



The authors conducted a double-blind trial with 28 middle-aged men and women who were randomised to 8 weeks of supplemental vitamin E (400 IU per day) or placebo groups. Compliance was determined non-invasively from simultaneous measurements of aortic flow and carotid pressure at baseline, and following 4 and 8 weeks.


Arterial compliance increased by 37% at 4 weeks and by 44% at 8 weeks only in the vitamin E group, which was independent of an effect upon arterial pressure. An increase occurred in 12 out of 14 participants. There was no significant change with the placebo group.


Short-term supplementation with vitamin E improves arterial compliance.


Mottram P et al. Vitamin E improves arterial compliance in middle-aged men and women. Atherosclerosis 145(2): 399-404. Aug 1999.

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