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Research: OBERBAUM and colleagues,
Listed in Issue 91
OBERBAUM and colleagues, The Center of Integrated Complementary Medicine Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, oberbaum@szmc.org.il, present a case series on homeopathic treatment in emergency medicine.
Following a multiple-casualty construction disaster, members of the Center of Integrated Complementary Medicine administered homeopathic medicine to injured patients to supplement conventional orthopaedic treatment. The objective of this report is to summarize the rationale, procedures and outcome of the intervention, the first of its kind.
A case series report.
15 patients were treated in the first 24 hours post trauma. All received Arnica montana 200CH in a single dose. Anxiety was treated with Aconite 200CH in 9 patients, Opium 200CH in 3 patients, Ignatia 200CH in 2 patients, and Arsenicum album 200CH in one patient, depending on the type of anxiety. After 24 hours, most patients reported less pain, 58% felt improvement, 89% had reduced anxiety, and 61% felt that the homeopathic treatment was helpful. At 48 hours post trauma, specific complaints were addressed with classical homeopathy. At discharge patients rated the homeopathic treatment as successful in 67% of the specific complaints.
Oberbaum M, Schreiber R, Rosenthal C, Itzchaki M. Homeopathic treatment in emergency medicine: a case series. Homeopathy 92 (1): 44-47, Jan 2003.