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Research: POGOZHEVA and colleagues,
Listed in Issue 28
POGOZHEVA and colleagues, Eastern Europe studied the influence of diet with soy-protein upon clinical and immune indices in patients with ischaemic heart disease and hypertension.
The diet modified by the soy-protein component produced positive effects upon the course of the diseases and lipid spectrum of blood, It also demonstrated pronounced action upon some indices of humoral immunity. Additionally, intensive processes of lipid peroxidation were observed.
Pogozheva AV et al. Effects of antiatherosclerosis diet including soy protein on the dynamics of clinical, biochemical and immunologic indicators in patients with ischemic heart disease and hypertension. Voprosy Pitanniia 68(4): 27-31. 1999.
Since the above study had only a very short English language abstract, it is exceedingly frustrating that the authors didnt include more of the detail of the diet and the results obtained i.e. which clinical, biochemical and immunological indices were improved and by how much.