Research: PRADEEP and KUTTAN,

Listed in Issue 93


PRADEEP and KUTTAN, Amala Cancer Research Centre, Thrissur-Kerala, India, report on the effect of beta-carotene on lung cancer metastasis in mice.


Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) on the inhibition of lung cancer metastasis in mice.


Methods: The compound was administered to the mice after tumour induction.


Results: Beta-carotene produced a significant reduction (71.4%) in tumour nodule formation. Abnormal levels of connective tissue components that are normally found in animals with lung cancer were greatly reduced towards normal. Animals treated with beta-carotene survived for up to 69 days. Histopathology of lung tissue of the beta-carotene treated animals was consistent with these findings.


Conclusions: The results show the anti-metastatic activity of beta-carotene in mouse lung cancer.


Predeep CR, Kuttan G. Effect of beta-carotene on the inhibition of lung metastasis in mice. Phytomedicine 10 (2-3): 159-164, Mar 2003.


Comment: This result ought to be broadcast on the main news; instead one never hears of these kinds of results – a reduction by 71.4% of tumour nodule formation for lung cancer!! If these results were replicated in humans, then perhaps the dismal prognosis and life expectancy with lung cancer might start to be improved.

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