Listed in Issue 184


ROCHCONGAR,  Unite de biologie et medecine du sport, CHU Pontchaillou, 35033 Rennes Cedex 9. discuss examination, diagnosis and treatment of knee tendinosis in sports.


Knee tendinosis are frequent in sports practice. They are often in relation with sports gesture.


Chronic patellar tendinosis are found more often at the specialists of jump (athletics and collective sports).


The tendinopathies of the tensor of the fascia lata are more often diagnosed at the runners, while the tendinopathies of the biceps or the hamstrings concern more frequently cyclists. The clinical examination allows to precise the sport concerned, to make the diagnosis, and to look for abnormalities of the morphotype or technical errors. Imaging must be envisaged in a second time (ethnography or MRI).


The early treatment is mostly medical, including modifications of sports gesture associated with adapted rehabilitation programs.


Rochcongar P. [Knee tendinopathies and sports practice]. [French] Revue du Praticien. 59(9):1257-60. Nov 20 2009.

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