Listed in Issue 218


VOĬTSEKHOVSKIS and COLLEAGUES, [Article in Russian] assessed PTSD incidence, OS parameters and their adjustment advances using organic Se in PTSD risk group patients.


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex of symptoms developed in a patient after traumatic event. The basis of PTSD pathophysiology is hyperactivation of neurones under stress factors influence, so-called excitotoxicity, followed by oxidative stress (OS) because of an accumulation of free radicals.


Lipid peroxidation can lead to neurons damage. Neurons are especially susceptible to OS, changing signal transduction and information processing mechanisms. Clinically excitotoxicity preforms as different acute and/or chronic stress reactions and can cause PTSD. Selenium (Se) is involved on different stages of transport and metabolism of Glutamate. Research aim: to access PTSD incidence, OS parameters and their adjustment advances using organic Se in PTSD risk group patients.


PTSD symptomatic severity (in PCL-M points) reduced for 5.85% to baseline, Prevalence Rate reduced for 46.03% to baseline in Se group patients.


The authors can conclude that: 1) there is a statistically reliable correlations between the incidence of PTSD and OS parameters, between PTSD symptomatic severity and OS parameters; 2) the use of Se during the mission can reduce the OS parameters, minimize the incidence of PTSD and reduce the PTSD symptomatic severity.


Voĭtsekhovskis VV, Voĭtsekhovska IuG, Shkesters A, Antsane G, Silova A, Ivashchenko T, Michans Ia, Vaĭvads N. [Advances of selenium supplementation in posttraumatic stress disorder risk group patients]. [Article in Russian] Biomed Khim. 60(1):125-32. Jan-Feb 2014.

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