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Research: VOJDANI and ERDE
Listed in Issue 142
VOJDANI and ERDE propose that Regulatory T Cells modulate tumour immunity.
Abstract: Regulatory T cells are the major arbiter of immune responses, mediating actions through the suppression of inflammatory and destructive immune reactions. Inappropriate Regulatory T cell functionality potentiates the pathogenesis of many diseases. Lack of suppressive capability hinders restraint on immune responses involved in autoimmunity and alloreactivity, while excessive suppressive capacity effectively blocks processes necessary for tumour destruction. Although the aetiology of dysfunctional Regulatory T cell populations is under debate, the ramifications, and their mechanisms, are increasingly brought to light in the medical community. Methods that compensate for aberrant immune regulation may not address the underlying complications; however, they hold promise for the alleviation of debilitating immune system-related disorders. The dominant immunoregulatory nature of Regulatory T cells, coupled with recent mechanistic knowledge of natural immunomodulatory compounds, highlights the importance of these cells to practitioners and researchers of complementary and alternative medicine.
Vojdani A, Erde J. Regulatory T Cells, a Potent Immunoregulatory Target for CAM Researchers: Modulating Tumor Immunity, Autoimmunity and Alloreactive Immunity (III). Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine: eCAM 3 (3): 309-316, Sep 2006.