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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Its Health Benefits
Gary Craig, founder of EFT realized that by tapping on certain acupressure points around the body, anything and everything could be released regardless of the issues.more
Concern is growing for the continuous increase in mental health disorders within the western world. Likewise, psychosomatic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fati...more
Emotional Transformation and Cellular Healing
Psycho-neuro-Immunology research has produced compelling evidence that our thought patterns directly and instantaneously affect our whole body chemistry, and can suppress our immun...more
Last week I was invited to talk at our local Women’s Guild on the topics of both Homeopathy and Reiki. As is the normal practice at the beginning of their meetings general informati...more
This article looks at the power of the placebo effect, which a House of Lords Science and Technology report in 2000 states "is not just an imagined experience but can positively im...more
Empowering Women: Natural Approaches To Pregnancy And Childbirth
Denise Tiran looks at the use of complementary therapies during pregnancy and labour. Many women and midwives are now demanding less interventionist maternity care, which will not ...more
Empowerment Fitness: Revolutionary Mind-Body Programme
This article focuses on the positive effects of body movement. For centuries, high achieving individuals, including runners, walkers, cyclists and rowers, have understood that if ...more
Coaching is a modern tool that can empower and bring significant shifts and goal achievements more quickly, with more enjoyment and less stress.more
Recently, I read in the newspapers about the current trend for people who are troubled to seek help through philosophy rather than visit the psychotherapist's office. The hope is t...more
Encouraging Healthy Inhabitants in the Gut
Over the last 10-15 years, probiotics have undergone something of an image transformation.more
Endobiogenic Medicine – Innovative System of Plant Medicine
What is Endobiogenic Medicine? Endobiogeny is a theory of terrain that assesses how the internal life of the body is generated and sustained. Endo - meaning internal, Bio - meaning...more
This column focuses on endometriosis, a relatively common condition which is believed to affect around 15% of women. The author presents a case study of a client who had initiall...more
Endometriosis - An Urgent Priority
Why isn't endometriosis featured in headline news articles? This blighter of women's lives is not some obscure or insignificant condition – far from it. Rather, this painful and ...more
Endometriosis: A Nutritional Approach
In endometriosis, the endometrial tissue is found where it should not be, outside the uterus, where it still responds to hormonal instructions, bleeding into areas where there is n...more
Energizing Water - Our Dance with Water, Outside and In
Have you ever stopped to think about the amazing thing that is water? We all know that we need water to survive - you get about a week before internal organs shut down due to no in...more
Energizing your Life with your Values
Those special moments you remember and enjoy are the first clues to discovering what is important to you in your life – what your true values are. In this sense, values are not abo...more
Energy & Vibration - A basis for a new paradigm
The public’s growing demand for complementary practices clearly indicates a dissatisfaction with the traditional allopathic process to the extent that many health centres are surve...more
Energy Balancing with the e-Lybra 8 System
In this article which focuses on the e-Lybra 8 system – a technology that has spawned various offshoot products combining modern hi-tech products with Energy Medicine – the author ...more
Good health in terms of what we take into our body depends upon dealing with dehydration, malnutrition and toxicity. Dealing with the last first, we need to eliminate toxins suc...more
Energy Flow - The Great Exchange
Energy is all around us and everything in life exists as an exchange of this energy. Even the ancient theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Taoism and Ying and Yang s...more
Energy Medicine Self-Healing Tools
Throughout history, people have created shapes and designs that can attract and channel energies, like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, beautiful patterned mazes, complex and compellin...more
Energy Medicine - Achieving Your True Potential
Many famous names such as Dr Robert Becker, Orthopaedic Surgeon, have conducted research into the bio-electrical properties of the body – the results of which he published in his b...more
ACMOS, an acronym for the Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter on the Organism and its Synergy, views the human organism as a vast and complex combination of energetic systems.<...more
Energy of Life - Our Healing Process
What we are going to talk about today is the Energy of Life and how we can all take charge of our own energy and healing process, by clearing away all the luggage we carry along th...more
Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy: Molecular Healing
In this article the author says research into the bio-energy arena is seeing that the human species could be regarded as "liquid crystal under tension, capable of vibrating at diff...more
Energy Tuning - An Innovative Approach to Healing
In this article, the author looks at how energy works; what clients should expect from energy practitioners and how complicated a subject it is for the average person to grasp. S...more
Enjoy Winter With Plants and Aromatherapy
Evergreen plants, this time of the year, are wonderful for their colour and smell. Herbs such as rosemary, myrtle and bay make beautiful displays. Primula or brightly coloured poly...more
Enlightenment and the Real Matrix
This article focuses on true self-enlightenment. It questions how deep truths and messages from our awakened selves can possibly get through to us with so much spin and manipulativ...more
Enlightenment? - Not Just Now Thank You!
This article describes the author’s experience of having known he could step into enlightenment, and making the decision not to.more
Enneagram: The key to fulfilment
Do you believe that you know who you really are? Do your friends perceive you in the same way as you understand yourself? Have you ever been in an argument and realised afterward...more
Enrich Your Diet and Enjoy the Health Benefits of Omega-3s
Just as we are advised to eat several helpings of vegetables each day, we are often told that a healthy diet includes a minimum of two portions of fish a week – one of them oily. Th...more
Entropy is Required to Enable Us Humans to Live a Life with Fewer Health Disorders
Entropy in the philosophical and much wider sense, in which it is generally understood, has much to do with loss and deterioration but with an added bonus! With any new project, ve...more
Environment Induced Volatility and Cycles in Population Health
All organisms respond to their (changing) environment using a variety of homeostatic mechanisms to maintain vital functions within acceptable limits.more
Environmental and Nutritional Approach to Candida and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Bowel conditions, stigmatized as wind and bloating, are, the author claims, often misdiagnosed and wrongly labelled IBS or diverticulitis, when what usually is the matter is a gut ...more
Environmental Sickness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
In this important feature, the author highlights the plight of the ever-increasing number of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) sufferers, and discusses the findings of authoritat...more
Author Russ Mason interviews Paula F. Baillie-Hamilton an expert on metabolism and the impact of toxins upon the human system who has, through years of research, identified certain...more
Epigenetics - Current and Past Progress
To understand current progress in epigenetics we need briefly to visit 5th century BCE Greek thought onwards to our own 19th century CE. Empedocles, Heraclitus, Democritus, Hippocra...more
Epilogue: Much Needed Research Strategies for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer remains the most feared diagnosis for women in the developed world – yet, despite intense therapeutic effort, the results of treatment cannot be described as an overa...more
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy - Legacy from a Genius
This article pays tribute to the revolutionary thinking of Milton Erickson (1901-1980), which has transformed hypnotherapy practice today and has much to teach professionals from o...more
Esalen Massage: Deep Connections
Founded in 1962 by Michael Murphy and Richard Price to explore unrealized human potential, the Esalen Institute in California has consistently been at the forefront of new developm...more
Escaping the Prison of Depression
Dorothy Rowe, researcher and prolific author about depression for 35 years, writes in her column that many people who are depressed present images of being trapped and alone when a...more
Escharotics: Herbal Surgery for Tumours
Botanic surgery is only one of numerous options in the treatment of cancer. What's more, no procedure should be undertaken as a sole treatment but as part of an approach. Supportiv...more
Essential Fatty Acids - in the Evolution of the Brain
This article challenges scientists long-held perceptions of evolutionary theory, explaining the function of essential fatty acids (EFAs), discussing their role in evolution and sug...more
Essential Fatty Acids, Diet and Developmental Disorders
It has been estimated that between 5 and 10 percent of the population have behavioural difficulties,[1] with many youngsters so diagnosed displaying delayed language development, p...more
Essential Fatty Acids: Treatment for a Heart Condition
It's a cliché, but out of adversity there is often triumph. In the case of this story, however, my family's adversity led to more than triumph; it led to the introduction of a new ...more
Essential Oil Recipes for Winter
Winter is the perfect time to stay indoors and keep warm. It’s the time of year when a cozy home is the only place you want to be on a wild Saturday night. The days are short, the n...more
Before the pandemic, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that the average American spent 93% of their life indoors – roughly 87% inside buildings and 6% in automobil...more
Essential Oils from the Tibetan Shangri-La
My main purpose of this year's visit to India and Nepal was to re-discover and explore in greater depth the area of essential oils, the availability and quality of natural raw mate...more
Essentially Healthy but with Minor Ailments
Nutrition Practitioner Kate Neil recounts the case of Clare, ‘essentially healthy but with minor ailments’. Clare is a 28-year-old Marketing Director with a hectic work and social ...more
Essiac Herbal Remedy - The Entire Story
Essiac herbal remedy, developed by Rene Caisse in the 1920s, is believed to have a positive remedial action on cancer. It is also reputed to ease the effects of conventional cancer...more
Ether: Vibration Everywhere – In the Beginning, Now and Forever
“Birdsong tells the flowers when to bloom.” How could that be? I sat up and paid attention. The lecturer went on to describe how all of Nature is inter-linked. In the northern hemi...more
Ethics and Integration (or Incarceration)?
In this short article, the author discusses ethics, safety and codes of conduct within both regulated and unregulated complementary medicine professions. As well as the ongoing nee...more
Etiology of the Clubfoot, PreClinical Clubfoot, Primus Metatarsus Supinatus Deformities
Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), to this day, has no general consensus as to its’ etiology in normal newborns. Many theories have been proposed, including such factors as inc...more
EU Directives - Health Protection Double Speak
Helen Fullerton looks at three Directives that the EU is forcing through in the guise of consumer protection: the Food Supplements Directive, the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Produ...more
EU Plans to Ban Therapeutic Dosages of Food Supplements
In this column on plans to ban therapeutic dosages of food supplements, the author discloses that, based on ANH’s examinations, the type of risk assessment being applied to food su...more
EU Supplement Legislation Update
Most of us take for granted that we live in a democratic society in which the rules and regulations are carefully constructed by experts in their respective fields. Having been wor...more
EU Supplement Legislation Update: The Next Battlefronts
This article touches on the Alliance for Natural Health's (ANH) on-going legal challenge to demonstrate why a positive list-based system for food supplement regulation in Europe wo...more
Every once in a while I come across a book which is relatively unknown, possibly out of print, and which has an important influence on my bodywork practice.more
European Directive on Food Supplements
European legislation overrides domestic UK legislation. Now that the Food Supplements Directive is becoming law, it will have to be enforced by the UK. Even if UK legislation conti...more
Every Child Can Grow an Attractive Face - Mouth Breathing Causes Crooked Teeth
This well-researched article provides a careful explanation of the effects that untreated allergic rhinitis can have, including being a causative factor in the other conditions lis...more
Every-Day Struggles of an Introvert that Can Make His Life Miserable
Being an introvert can be as debilitating as any illness with those possessing this personality type seeking to avoid certain situations at all costs. Normal situations can be terri...more
Everything relates to nothing - Nothing is relative to everything. When you live as nothing you have no-thing to lose and can turn into any-thing you wish.more
Everything You Need to Know About Lentils
They’re the world’s oldest cultivated legume, so it’s no surprise that lentils have become a staple across the globe – from India to the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas.[1 2]<...more
Everything You Need to Know About Piriformis Syndrome
According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, nearly 80% of the adult population suffers from back pain at some point during their life span. Irrespective of...more
Everything You Wanted To Know About 4D Ultrasound Scan
It’s amazing, the remarkable developments that medical procedures have seen over the years, thanks to technology. Not many decades ago, expectant parents had to wait for nine long ...more
Evidence-based Medicine - The Paradigm Split
The author explores the arguments of the high priests of healthcare, the double standards that exist with orthodox and complementary systems and have an overview of the changing ...more
Evidence-Based Medicine: The Over-Reliance Upon Science?
The author discusses the meaning of evidence-based medicine, what it does and doesn’t support and who really provides the evidence. He also shows how medical opinions can be scient...more
Evidence-based Practice: Cardiovascular Health - A Different Perspective
In this column, the author states that heart disease and stroke are the main cause of death in the UK, and that more than one in three deaths in 2005 was attributed to cardiovasc...more
Evolution of Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Science during the 20th Century
This column is one in a series to focus on some of the 'ground breaking' discoveries today in the field of nutrition and health. Following ones will look at emerging sciences such...more
We have arrived at an understanding of our biological origins that is truly inspiring. The argument set out briefly here aims to sketch a vision of how our evolution can guide both ...more
This article looks into the benefits and research history of Vitamin D which, the author says, isn't really a vitamin because it has to be metabolically activated before it can be ...more
Such is the transformational effect of this ancient Egyptian hands-on energy of Sekhem, which in early Egypt did not relate directly to healing but rather to a higher state of consc...more
Exercise and Diet to Cope with Menopause Naturally
Health advocate and personal trainer/fitness counsellor Monique Gilbert reminds us that the menopause is not a disease and is a natural part of a woman's reproductive life cycle. I...more
Exercise and Fitness: Blood Pressure: Truths and Myths
The author gives a full explanation of what blood pressure is, how it is measured, the range of readings and their meaning (Low, Normal, High), and explains how and why blood press...more
This column discusses the value of exercise and nutrition for better health, not just at the physical level but also spiritually, mentally and emotionally.more
Exercise Program for the Older Years
At the age of 77 I’m determined not only to get moving but to keep moving for as long as I possibly can. My ‘Sod sitting, get moving’ exercise plan consists of simple exercises spe...more
Exercising in Nature: How to Make the Great Outdoors your Gym
We all know that being outside can bring us mental and physical benefits, but did you know that taking your workouts and active sessions outdoors can add to their impact? Here, Carl...more
Expansion of IDD Therapy in the UK – a Physiotherapy Perspective
For nearly ten years Sheffield Physiotherapy has been using the non-invasive spine treatment called IDD Therapy spinal decompression. We use IDD Therapy to help patients with unres...more
This column focuses on the value of ‘experts’ and their expertise. The author believes there is some truth in the saying ‘an expert is one who knows more and more about less and le...more
Explaining the Concept of Cranio Dental & Skeletal Symmetry - How your Jaw Links with your Hip
I have been researching the subject of Cranio Dental and Skeletal Symmetry (CDSS) ever since I first managed to help a patient suffering from severe migraines, which had hospitalise...more
Exploring Integrative Massage Therapy
Integrative Massage Therapy (IMT) is a technique that combines elements from different modalities, such as touch and massage, Reichian bodywork/body rhythms, neuro-linguistic progr...more
Exploring the Link Between Exercise and Mental Health
We all deal with stress in our daily lives. Work can be overwhelming, you may butt heads with your family, and even our daily commute can fill us with anxiety and make life harder t...more
Weeds are strong and resilient, and can survive the vagaries of climate change better than our pampered crops. We now know that a greater diversity of plants enhances life in the so...more
Extraordinary Healing Art that is Thai Massage
These days, one of the most popular - but often misunderstood healing modalities - is traditional Thai massage.more
Extreme Bias in FTC’s Ruling on Homeopathic Medicine
In an ongoing effort to undermine homeopathy, the FTC disregards hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and suggests that there is no scientific evidence for these safe, effective therap...more
This article looks into extreme beliefs, which the author says allows no exceptions, no matter what the circumstances. They never reflect reality and always lead to suffering. Our ...more
Before we start pointing fingers at anyone or shout obscenities it would be nice to define what we are talking about here. The dictionary states extremism as ‘the holding of extreme...more
Eye Health a Guide to Iridology
As most of us know instinctively, the eyes are a great indicator of overall health. Whether they’re jaundiced, bulging or blood shot, when something’s not right, it shows in our eye...more
In an increasingly technological world, a spectrum of devices are creating a level of demand on our eyes both at home and at work beyond anything previously experienced. We have g...more
Eyes That Feel, Hands That See
Hands and eyes are the favourite organic implements of the bodyworker. 'Bodyworking' is a hands-on, eyes-on affair. But, according to their elective technique, therapists can give ...more
Everybody does it! Consciously or unconsciously, everyone gives a psychological meaning to new faces, and judges character subjectively. From earliest time, the "mirror of the soul...more
Facet Joint Syndrome: Source of Your Back or Neck Pain?
Facet joints connect your vertebrae together. They provide a smooth slippery surface allowing you to bend and twist. And they limit your range of motion just enough to prevent ac...more
Facial Tells of 'Dis-ease' - What your Facial Features can Reveal
Face reading has been utilized by healers for thousands of years. The ancient Chinese believed that your face reflects who you are and why you think, feel and behave the way that y...more
The author presents two cases which demonstrate the power of the mind in the context of Reflexology. The average GP, she says, has no time to talk patients through their problems a...more
Regular columnist Clare Maxwell-Hudson examines how face massage can be a powerful tool and that there is more to it than beauty. Applying sensitive touch to the face can overcome ...more
Factors Behind Infertility; Optimum Ages for Becoming Pregnant
The subject of fertility has remained high on the news agenda in recent years and is understandably a topic many people will think about when first deciding to start a family.more
Beata Bishop investigates the role of faith in self-healing. Though we live in an age of 'miracle' drugs, researchers into Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) have found that positive thin...more
Fake Blow to CAM Use for Cancer
Did you hear that cancer patients who refuse conventional cancer treatment and opt for alternative medicine are twice as likely to die than patients who use only conventional treatm...more
Falun Gong: A spiritual form of Qigong
Since its first appearance in China in 1992, Falun Gong has attracted more than ten million people practitioners.more
Fast Food, Obesity and Ill Health: The urgent need to shift from chemical-based to real foods
In this article on Obesity and Chronic Disease (CHD), the author, a McTimoney Chiropractor, authority on Candida and Wholefood Cookery says weight around the middle is a sign that ...more
This is the time of year when we often feel motivated to get healthy. Thoughts of fitting into holiday swim wear may loom large and for many this means dieting. Unfortunately weight...more
This article will attempt to explain why most of what we have believed in the past about weight loss and dieting is built on false foundations.more
I was involved recently in an academic discussion on the place of fate in human life. I was surprised that there were so many people there who defended the passive interpretation, ...more
In this column which focuses on depression caused by fatigue, the author discloses that latest US statistics declare one in ten teenagers suffer from major depressions and that man...more
This column provides a holistic perspective, through reflexology, to help a particular case study to overcome her chronic head pains, tinnitus, hypertension and sinusitis, due to f...more
Fears of Loneliness; How Reaching out can Help Mental Health
Loneliness is on the increase, and with the winter fast upon us, more and more of us (and not just the elderly) may be finding themselves caught in a world where they feel lost, al...more
This article tells the incredibly inspiring story of a woman, her life literally ebbing away following treatment for breast cancer, who 'miraculously' recovers after being given an...more
Feeling ‘under the weather’, apparently originating from a sailing term, is understood to mean “not feeling right” in health or wellbeingmore
During this period of enforced lockdown due to Covid19, I have been reviewing my client files and noticing how many times feminine issues are part of the presenting complaint. I am ...more
As the popularity of Feng Shui grows in the Western world, it has been notable in the fact that its primary function is being lost in the midst of the enthusiasm for it: primarily,...more
Fennel, the Roman Candle of Autumn
Fennel is a fernlike hardy perennial that grows well in UK gardens from early spring to late autumn.more
Fermented Foods are not ‘Flavour of the Month’ but are here to Stay
Fermentation is a process of microbial action, and when used to break down food, produces numerous benefits for those who consume them. Fermented foods have been known throughout t...more
At the front of every textbook on Ayurvedic treatments comes the chapter on fever. Fever is the first disease discussed in Ayurveda because it can be so serious if not treated effe...more
Fibre What is it, What does it do – How to Meet our Daily Requirements
Fibre - hardly headline news you would think but lately it’s been in the spotlight more than usual. All this media focused attention grabbing has been the result of the publication...more
In this article, June Butlin discusses the condition of fibromyalgia. She introduces some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as pain and weakness in the muscles, and some of the...more
Fibromyalgia - Where Should Bodywork Fit Into An Integrated Treatment Picture?
This column looks into Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), and its disabling levels of pain and stiffness, largely associated with the head, neck, spine and pelvis, commonly associated wi...more
Fibromyalgia is a Made-Up Diagnosis. There is no official test nor code for fibromyalgia diagnosis and is often made based on a cluster of symptoms, including:more
Fighting Breast Cancer with Nutrition
Overnight success as a performer is usually the result of many years of unrecognised persistent effort and this can be likened to the sudden interest in the potential for antioxida...more
Fighting Free Radicals: The Role of Bark Extractives
The rapidly growing volume of evidence in the scientific literature about the nature and role of free radicals has lead to an increasing awareness of their importance in health and...more
Financial Heath - Self Fulfilling Prophecies of Greed, Fear and Doom
With the stock market trading at all-time highs and bonds at all-time lows, we would do well to look back 8 years at the housing crises to envisage what might come next when the st...more
Finding and Releasing Emotional Causes of Disease
Our emotions arise as part of our human response to life experiences. How we respond to life can also have a direct cause-and-effect relationship with the onset and progression of...more
For me, authentic happiness is about being authentic. By being ourselves, we can allow the feelings of fear, shame, guilt, anger and all the other corroding emotions to be far more ...more
Finding Happiness When There is so Much Pain in the World
“God, sometimes I hate that spiritual rhetoric! Yeah, I know it’s true. Everyone has his or her mission. Both victims and perpetrators are filling a much deeper destiny than my mind...more
Finding Myself in Japan - The Alternative Bridget Jones
Amada Jayne records her life in the Orient in the style of Bridget Jones Diary. A former chocoholic, she currently teaches English in Japan while learning the alternative approach ...more
Toe touching has for a long time been the symbol and criterion of physical fitness. But does this posture or movement deserve to be so rated?more
Last month I discussed Fiona's case study on Lupus from a nutritional point of view, which is one of the most important aspects of any healing process. Other major areas involved...more
FIRE: Fascinating, Friendly and Fearsome
I have written about the elements of Earth and Water in previous articles. Now I turn to the element of Fire.more
First Aid and Master Acupuncture
A friend recently shared a link - how to survive a heart attack when you are alone - on Facebook, which got me to thinking this; how many people know that there are acupuncture firs...more
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand
The native flora of New Zealand has many extraordinary and unique characteristics, due to its protracted isolation and an absence of human habitation. First Light Flower Essences a...more
Professor Tom Saldeen, MD, Ph.D. is Professor and Chairman at the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Medical facility of Uppsala, Sweden and one of the world's leading experts ...more
Many folks fish with a big hook of memories that have a reference point not of their choosing. Before they could assemble their fishing tackle of thoughts, a whole bunch of people c...more
Fitness and Sexual Health through Walking, Posture, Pilates and Prelox
Of course your sex life must function - regardless of your age. A scientific, evidence based regimen, emphasizing nutrition, supplements and exercise will increase erectile quality...more
Articles dedicated to the benefits of regular exercise show that exercise routines are much like religious doctrine. They all claim to be the miracle that will change your life for...more
Fitness Goals: How to Keep Yourself on Track
Starting something for those who aren’t easily motivated is hard enough. Sticking to that something can be even harder, particularly when the going gets tough. These simple tips ma...more
Fitter for Life - Stop Sitting Down so Much
Summer is coming and with it, the anticipation of beach holidays in far flung places. For many, the onset of Summer also means the start of the ‘beach body diet,’ which tends to con...more
Five Drugs in Your Medicine Cabinet that May be Making You Sicker
We've grown accustomed to taking pills when we feel bad - for headaches, insomnia, mild depression, indigestion, and the aches and pains of ageing, to name a few common complaints. ...more
In this issue Penny Crowther looks at the cycles of nature and what they meant according to ancient Chinese wisdom and how we can incorporate those same principals into our lifesty...more
In this column (which continues on from the last on how the ancient Chinese theory of the Five Elements can give nutrition practitioners a useful extra perspective), the author loo...more
As winter is the season for the water element, associated with the kidneys and the bladder, the author provides a wider concept of the kidney and our energy based on Chinese medi...more
Five Must-Know Tips Before Starting the Keto Diet
The ketogenic diet continues to dominate the diet world. Google’s latest trends data shows it’s once again the top-searched diet, with over 25.4 million searches in 2020 alone.[1] (...more
The author, who lives in Zimbabwe, illustrates her thesis that a divine connection, diet and exercise, creativity and humour, how you talk and who you are with can all boost your s...more
Five Ways to Care for your Eyes
A shocking new study[1] by Rohto Dry Aid – the eight in one clinically proven Dry Eye treatment solution – has given an insight into the nation’s eye health, discovering that 1 in 2...more
Therapist, John Benest, reviews a case history from one of his patients, a 70 year woman who underwent radiotherapy treated for cervical cancer.more
Heavily ingrained in our culture is the need to achieve results. The athlete who goes through extraordinary sacrifices, pushing the body to extreme lengths, is rightly acclaimed fo...more
Flirting for the Over 50s – NLP and Building Rapport
Socially there are Changes in the Way that We Communicate. Building rapport with others can help you to establish or promote a better relationship between yourself and others and to...more
Flotation and Body Harmony - A unique healing experience
Wellspring combines the benefits of flotation therapy and Body Harmony. It is an experience which clients describe as, "exquisite", "profound", "extraordinary", "unlike anything I ...more
Flower Essence Therapy = Beauty + Science
This article presents research data on the effectiveness of flower and vibrational essences therapy as a healing modality.more
Flower Essences and Electrosensitivity: Breaking Out of (an Emotional) Prison
The issue of electromagnetic stress and electrosensitivity is a growing concern with enormous implications for long-term health. While the counselling relationship was short-lived,...more