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Having been working with touch modalities for 25 years I witness constantly the power of positive, nurturing touch. At the end of just a single session, a client seems not just rela...more
Touch Therapy Training Programme For Children with Disabilities
The author shares her experiences of her involvement as both therapist/instructor and research assistant in the Touch Therapy Training Programme (TTTP) developed by Julie Barlow an...more
Toxic Roulette 2 – Proactive Solutions
We discussed this in detail in a previous article I wrote called Toxic Roulette - A new age challenge. There was a great deal of interest and we received many requests for more info...more
Vaccination Controversy: Safety and Side Effects
Dr Sharma, a medically qualified homeopathic doctor, addresses the argument, supported by a growing body of evidence, that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. There is no evidence...more
Vibrational Healing - Harmonising
The premise of Vibrational Healing is that everything vibrates on a certain frequency. All objects, even wooden tables, are made up of molecules which vibrate to create their mass....more
Vitamin B12 – Are You Deficient?
Severe B12 deficiency is known to cause pernicious anaemia, an illness which has clearly diagnosable symptoms. However, there are a plethora of other symptoms which can be related...more
We Hunter-Gatherers Are Now In A Bad Way
Our Homo genus predecessors emerged some two million years ago (species variously labelled handy, busy, erect), and we ourselves about a quarter million. Middle Africa, from which ...more
What Are the Effects of Hippotherapy on Children?
Hippotherapy is a therapeutic technique that involves supervised interactions between children and horses. It has evolved from its historical origins to become a vital component of ...more
What Is Social Anxiety, Anyway?
The question of what is social anxiety is a simple one to answer, yet the answer raises a great many new questions. At its core, social anxiety is a type of anxiety related to socia...more
When Vaccine Refusal is Not Unethical
There is an entrenched herd mentality and groupthink phenomenon on the issue of the morality of vaccination refusal by those who scratch the surface of the issue that requires a sp...more