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Michael Levy
Point of Life
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A Three Year Alchemy Book Course on the Authentic Points of Life.
A Self-Help Way to Find the Truth of Who You Are and the Powers you Possess.
Year One - The Joys of Live Alchemy
Read no more than one essay, slowly, each day. When you come to the end of the book find time for mediating and deep breathing for 15 minutes each day. After three months, start to read each essay again, just one a day slowly. Continue to find time to mediate and deep breath. Wait six months and then read each essay slowly, only one each day.
Year Two - Paradise Graces A Simple Mind
Read no more than one essay, slowly, each day. When you come to the end of the book find time for mediating and deep breathing for 15 minutes each day. After three months, start to read each essay again, just one a day slowly. Continue to find time to mediate and deep breath. Wait six months and then read each essay slowly, only one each day.
Year Three - Cutting Truths
Read no more than one essay, slowly, each day. When you come to the end of the book find time for mediating and deep breathing for 15 minutes each day. After three months, start to read each essay again, just one a day slowly. Continue to find time to mediate and deep breath. Wait six months and then read each essay slowly, only one each day.
All this three year course costs is the price of each book, available by mail via Amazon.com. It will take time and effort to read each book as they are not written to please the ego/intellect that is reading them. Rather, they are written to be read for the nourishment and nurturing of the true human being that wants to succeed to live a healthy, wealthy, blissful life of Love & Joy.