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Heart Problems and Prevention

by Klaus Ferlow(more info)

listed in heart, originally published in issue 190 - January 2012

Heart disease can be prevented even if there is a strong tendency for heart problems in the family. Let's examine what are the symptoms of heart disease.

Heart-Problems and food

Cardiovascular disease is the leading health problem in the Western World. It is the number one cause of death in the United States; Canada is following suit, claiming more than over 1 million lives annually. An estimated 50 million Americans, almost 17% of the population are afflicted with heart and blood vessel disease, although many do not know it because they have no symptoms. Statistically 70-80% of women experiencing heart attacks did not have symptoms which is alarming! Narrow heart blood vessels are unable to provide oxygen the heart needs; this creates in males mainly angina pectoris, characterized by heavy, tight chest pain; also pain on the left arm. More warnings are excessive tiredness, breathlessness from climbing stairs. Pain often extended to the shoulder, neck, jaw; other signs are sweating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting, feeling anxiety. Difficulty swallowing, ringing in the ears and loss of speech.

What is the Cause of the Problem?
The main cause of most heart diseases is improper, poor diet (fast junk food), particularly eating too much red meat, much of it loaded with hormones and saturated fat, refined poisonous salt and sugar, alcohol, smoking and not enough exercise. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is often the precursor of heart problems and it is caused by the decrease in the elasticity or a reduction in the interior diameter of the arteries, or both, which may be caused by arteriosclerosis, defects in sodium metabolism, stress, nutritional deficiency, and enzyme imbalances. Some people develop too much of the 'bad' cholesterol LDL which then overtakes the 'good' cholesterol HDL that creates plaques inside the arteries; the result is high blood pressure.

The amount and type of chest pain varies from one person to another. Some people have intensive pain, while others feel mild discomfort. Heart attack occurs when a part of the heart muscle is denied blood and oxygen for a long enough period for cells to die. Hardening of the arteries, built up of plaque inside the arteries and the presence of thrombus, or blood clot in a blood vessel are the most common causes of obstruction. Hypertension, often the precursor to heart problems and the leading cause of stroke, also greatly increases the risk of heart attack, heart and kidney failure.

There are a variety of other cardiovascular diseases which include:

  • Arrhythmia/palpitation or irregular heart beat;
  • Angina pectoris - pain or heavy pressure on the chest;
  • Aneurysm - spot in the blood vessel where the wall becomes thin and bulges outward;
  • Cardiac arrest - when the heart stops beating;
  • Cardiomegaly - enlargement of the heart;
  • Cardiomyopathy - group of diseases of the heart muscle;
  • Carditis - inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • Congestive heart failure - condition of chronic heart failure;
  • Ischaemic heart disease - caused by obstruction of the blood flow to the heart;
  • Endocarditis - inflammation of the endocardium, the membrane surrounding the heart muscle;
  • Valvular disease - impairs the functioning of one or more of the heart's valves;
  • Insufficient supply of antioxidants - high level of fibrinogen,(dysfunction or disease of the liver can lead to a decrease of fibrinogen,) a blood clotting protein.

Heart Function Self-test
Your heart is the most important muscle in your body and a simple pulse test can help to determine how well your heart is functioning. The best time to check your pulse is first thing in the morning and if your pulse is under 60, your heart is functioning well. However, if your pulse is above 80, you may need to change your diet and lifestyle. If your pulse remains rapid, consult immediately your health care practitioner or go the emergency room of the nearest hospital and/or call 999/911 for an ambulance.

Diet and Lifestyle
Here are some suggestions and answers to your questions how to prevent heart problems. You should take seriously, try to avoid:

  • Red hormone-loaded meat;
  • Refined poisonous salt and sugar;
  • White flour;
  • Processed, ready-made packed deep fried 'junk food' with saturated (trans-fats) fats;
  • Soft drinks with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, neotame, splenda, saccharin etc.;
  • Excessive alcohol use;
  • Smoking inclusive second-hand smoke;
  • Excessive coffee, black tea;
  • Large meals after 5:00 pm;
  • Excessive weight;
  • Homogenized (bovine) milk;
  • Sources of sodium and food products that have soda, or the symbol "Na" on the label;
  • MSG - Monosodium glutamate, a neurotoxin which creates brain damage, acts as meat tenderizer and creates craving for more food;
  • Food with mould inhibitors or chemical preservatives (parabens);

Try to Include the Following

  • One teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of water at the onset of a heart attack or stroke - it could save your life!
  • Three raw garlic in capsules or garlic in salads;
  • Add on mesh garlic and mix with honey, take a teaspoon daily;
  • Unrefined nut and see oils such as hemp, flax, walnut, coconut, pumpkin, sunflower on salads and dishes that don't require heating;
  • Certified organic and/or organic raw fruit and green vegetables, carrots, beets, celery, asparagus, avocados, kelp, figs, tofu, wheat germ, broccoli, cauliflower, alfalfa, cabbage family, peppers;
  • One glass of a quality red wine with a warm meal (the tannin in the red wine will prevent blood clotting, which then prevents heart attacks and strokes), I have been doing this for over 40 years;
  • Take 5 - 20 drops of Hawthorn tincture one time daily or alternative;
  • Take 2 - 15 drops Hawthorn combo tincture one time daily;
  • Take 25 - 30 drops Ginkgo Biloba tincture daily, alternate with the Hawthorn tinctures;
  • Soak 1/2 tsp Mistletoe in one cup of water for twelve hours, strain and drink three cups daily
  • Coenzyme Q10, 50mg three times daily, Magnesium 600mg, Vitamin C with bioflavonoid 1000mg, Vitamin E with mixed tocopherols, 400 IU daily;
  • Exercise outdoors in fresh air through a park, forest, or along beach, breath deeply while you are walking (count to seven while inhaling and again to seven while exhaling;
  • Moderate, regular exercise like brisk walking three times a week for thirty minutes will benefit general health.

My article offers you a 'guideline' for preventing heart problems; by no means does it cover the whole spectrum of heart disease. More detailed information can be obtained by reading the recommended books in the reference.

Words of Wisdom
Those who do not find time every day for health, will one day sacrifice a lot of time for illness since HEALTH is WEALTH!

Dr Kurt W Donsbach. Heart disease, stroke, oral chelation, IV chelation. Wholistic Publications. 1992.
Dr Julian Whitaker MDF. Heart-Healing miracles Your doctor never told you. Phillips Publishing Inc. 1998.
Michael DeBakey, Antonio M. Gotto Jr., Lynne W Scott, John P Foreyt. New Living Heart Diet. Simon & Schuster. 1996.
Max Warmbrand ND DC DO. Add Years to your Heart. Pyramid Publications Inc. 1956.
Carol Simontacchi. MS CCN. Heart Health for Women. Kriegel Group Publishers. 2000.
David Rowland, PhD RNC. Say NO to Heart Disease. Canadian Nutrition Institute Inc. 1992.
Dick Quinn. Left For Dead. Quinn Publishing Co. 1992.
Dharma Singh Khalsa MD. Cameron Stauth. The Pain Cure. Warner Books Inc. 1999.
Esselstyn, Jr. Caldwell B., MD, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Penguin Group, 2007.

It is not our intention to make any specific health claims. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction of your health care practitioner.


  1. mairead said..

    would really appreciate information on irregular heartbeats for eighteen year old female thank you

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About Klaus Ferlow

Klaus Ferlow HMH HA Author, Formulator, Lecturer, Researcher, Writer, Core-founding member of the WNO – World Neem Organisation, member of the International Herb Association, Plant Savers, founder of Ferlow Botanicals & NEEM RESEARCH, co-author of the book "7stepstodentalhealth" and author of the  Award winning book "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to humanity". The third revised edition of "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity" will be released September 2024, "Neem: The Tree that Heals Nations" and "Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health & Beauty" are released in August 2024. He can be reached at:, ,,


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