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About Klaus Ferlow
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Klaus Ferlow HMH HA Author, Formulator, Lecturer, Researcher, Writer, Core-founding member of the WNO – World Neem Organisation, member of the International Herb Association, Plant Savers, founder of Ferlow Botanicals & NEEM RESEARCH, co-author of the book "7stepstodentalhealth" and author of the Award winning book "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to humanity". The third revised edition of "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity" will be released September 2024, "Neem: The Tree that Heals Nations" and "Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health & Beauty" are released in August 2024. He can be reached at: neemresearch1@gmail.com https://neemresearch.ca, www.dominionherbalcollege.com , https://bcherbalists.ca www.worldneemorganisation.org, https://ferlowbotanicals.com
Articles by Klaus Ferlow
Healthy Skin: Nature is the Best Doctor
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When it comes to healthy skin, it is best to let nature lead the way, believes the author of this feature. He tells us that the plethora of chemicals that are found in conventional ...
Fragrance: A Growing Health and Environmental Hazard
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This article focuses on the hazards of fragrances, found in a growing number of products. A study by Greenpeace in 2005 discovered that at least 36 well-known perfume brands contain...
Listed in herbal medicine
Neem is considered a major element in preventing and healing diseases among Ayurvedic practitioners. Every part of this fascinating tree has been used, from ancient to modern times...
Cold and Flu Busters: The Natural Approach
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The author gives a very detailed account of approaches to strengthening the immune system and helping it to prevent and to cure colds and flu, concluding with a thorough discussion ...
Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Cosmetics And Personal Care Products
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This article, as the title suggests, rings a warning bell about the possible toxins and carcinogens which may be included among the ingredients of our commonly used cosmetic and per...
Devil's Claw - Your Best Friend For Arthritic Pain
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Arthritis is an ever-increasing public health problem, predicted to affect 20% of the US population by the year 2020; in Canada it is predicted that 85% of the population over 70, a...
Ginkgo Biloba - The Longevity Herb
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Ginkgo has been called the Elixir of Youth - modern medicine from an ancient tree.
Listed in heart
Heart disease can be prevented even if there is a strong tendency for heart problems in the family. Let's examine what are the symptoms of heart disease.
Psoriasis and Neem My Own Personal Story
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My own experience with Neem has been nothing short of miraculous. Growing up in Northern part of Germany ‘country style’ I quickly developed a love for the bounty of Mother Nature, ...
Health Benefits of Golden Root (Rhodiola Rosea)
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Rhodiola rosea (Golden root) is an plant of the Crassulaceae family indigenous to the cold regions of the world such as Arctic regions of Eastern Siberia, the Rocky mountains, mount...
Conventional vs. Herbal Antibiotics - What Is The Difference?
Listed in infections and inflammation
One of the hottest topics today is the overuse of conventional antibiotics and the loss of their effectiveness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (...
Why Buy Chemical-Free Cosmetics and Personal Care Products?
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Everyone hopes to have a perfect body but, unfortunately no matter what we do, our bodies never seems to be perfect. Are nose or breast to large or too small? Is the skin too dry or...
How to Detoxify from Mercury Amalgam Fillings
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Since Roman times cilantro (the other name is coriander) has been used as food and medicine. A study by DrYoshiaki Omura from the Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, NY ha...
Rosa Mosqueta Seed Oil from Chile - Gift from Mother Nature
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Women around the world want smooth, young looking, velvety, silky soft, glowing wrinkle-free skin and Mother Nature is providing them a wonderful rosehip seed oil, called Rosa Mosqu...
Neem Toothpaste - The Healthy Solution for Teeth and Gums
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Modern toothpaste is a heavy mix of chemicals and synthetics to clean, polish and maintain healthy teeth and gums. But are those ingredients safe, or even necessary?
Oestrogen, Progesterone, Synthetics, etc. Explained
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Hormones that are made from plants are called Phytohormones. Phytoestrogens refer to plant compounds with oestrogen like activity. Phytoprogesterones are plants with progesterone-...
Listed in nutraceuticals
We are all familiar with honey bees but do you really know how important they are for sustaining life of human beings?
The Difficult Fight against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
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Bacteria, against which most antibiotics are powerless, already cause thousands of deaths in German hospitals every year. Now researchers are sounding the alarm because incidents in...
What You Should Know About Neem Oil
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The legendary miraculous medicinal Neem tree in India has grown with the human settlement all over the country and has been an integral part of the Indian way of life for centuries....
How To Prevent High Blood Pressure
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The typical image of a person with high blood pressure (hypertension) is an overweight, overworked male executive with a very short fuse. The truth is, high blood pressure affects p...
Detoxify Your Way to a New You!
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Today toxins are in our air (Chemtrails, car exhaust etc.) we breathe, the water (acid rain) we drink, the food (especially processed food, most fruits and vegetables are sprayed gr...
Himalayan Alexander Crystal Salt - Mother Nature’s Gift
Listed in cellular chemistry
This has to be one of the greatest re-discovery of modern times! Natural Himalayan Alexander Crystal salt for a healthy and energetic life! It is estimated that between 250-300 mill...
Cat's Claw: Healing Vine of Peru
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A botanical plant, a massive woody vine known in Spanish as una de gato in English as Cat's Claw, its latin name is Uncarica Tomentosa, is being called by many Miracle Herb from the...
What You Should Know About Eczema
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Eczema is besides acne and psoriasis one of the leading skin disease and is a non-contagious skin condition that can be present in several different forms, but most common forms in...
Neem - The Tree Of The 21st Century
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The Neem tree, Azadirachta indica has been part of the oldest botanical medical system in the world, Ayurveda from Indian with a history of over 5000 years, but it seems that the be...
Listed in herbal medicine
“Wholistic health represents an attitude toward wellbeing which recognizes that we are not just a collection of mechanical parts, but an integrated system which is physical, mental,...
What are the Benefits of Raw Neem Honey?
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Healing Properties of Neem Everything from the neem tree is medicinal: bark, cake, extract, flowers, fruit, gum, honey, leaves (also used as tea and powder), oil (from kernels of th...
Listed in herbal medicine
Many people in North America are not familiar what herbalism is all about since we are living in society asking for the ‘quick-fix’ when health problems arise. Therefore I would li...
Listed in herbal medicine
Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structure. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting atoms, reachi...
Listed in skincare
When men meet women they look first at their faces, therefore most women want to look very attractive, even erotic with young-looking glowing healthy silky-soft skin with no wrinkle...
ABACO Neem Farm – The Garden of Eden
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My 65-year business career has been full of unforgettable experiences, but one that stands out the most was the recent visit to my friends, Nick and Daphne Miaoulis' Neem farm in th...
Aromatherapy Adventure – Exploring the Power of Plants in France
Listed in aromatherapy
In March 31 to April 2, 2000 I attended a three-day seminar at AMBROSIA essential oil Apothecary in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. During the seminar, I delved into the benefit and h...
NEEM: The Healing Tree With Ayurveda Origins
Listed in herbal medicine
Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structures. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting the atoms, r...
How Effective is Neem as Treatment Against Parasites?
Listed in herbal medicine
This is a topic that people don't want to talk about it! You will be disgusted looking through a magnifying glass at the variety of parasite worms in your body. Nine of out ten peop...
Listed in herbal medicine
An Anglo-Indian word "shampoo" is derived from the Hindi "champo", meaning "head massage." "Champo is in turn is derived from the Sanskrit/Hindi word "champa”, perhaps referring ...
Listed in skincare
Skin care products are skyrocketing worldwide. Some are packed in elegant containers, others in plain receptacles. Some are composed of synthetic ingredients, some claim to be "natu...
Book reviews by Klaus Ferlow
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