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Psoriasis and Neem My Own Personal Story

by Klaus Ferlow(more info)

listed in skincare, originally published in issue 202 - January 2013


“Here is my own personal story about psoriasis and Neem”

My own experience with Neem has been nothing short of miraculous. Growing up in Northern part of Germany ‘country style’ I quickly developed a love for the bounty of Mother Nature, especially berries, flowers, herbs and vegetables. One of my favourite herbs was the ‘stinking rose’ garlic, which I considered a wonder herb. And also pure elderberry juice with honey and lemon juice, heated up for bringing down fever, enhancing the healing power of the body by boosting the immune system.

Neem Farm, courtesy of Neem Foundation

Neem Farm, courtesy of Neem Foundation

At the young age of seventeen and after finishing school, I moved away from my family home in a small farm village to start an apprenticeship in sales and marketing. My new home was in a big city situated in a heavy industrial commercial area with huge steel mills and mining corporations. Due to the stress of being by myself, due to the completely different diet and lifestyle in an environment of widespread pollution and high level of noise I soon developed severe psoriasis on my scalp and elbows. At times my psoriasis was flaring up to a point when I even had difficulties combing my black hair due to very thick build-up on my scalp and elbows.

I received ongoing treatments from allopathic doctors in Germany and later in Canada who did not have a clue what the cause of the problem was, and all these treatments cost me a lot of money I had to pay out of my own pocket, but were totally unsuccessful. After over 40 years I finally gave up and was told by the doctors that I had to live with it for the rest of my life!

Then, early in 1994, I had the good fortune of tuning into the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Toronto, Ontario television series The Nature of Things with Dr David Suzuki, which featured a program describing the miraculous healing power of the Neem tree from India inclusive for chronic skin diseases. This was the impetus to my healing, as I began with the help and training of a professional chemist, to develop a Neem tree cream without harmful toxic chemical ingredients, using Neem extract from the leaves of the tree. The extract came from a supplier I found in France, since at the time nobody in North America had any knowledge about the Neem tree and therefore was unable to supply such an extract to me.

For almost nine weeks my wife of over 48 years massaged the cream onto my scalp, and finally by the end of the tenth week my scalp was totally clear of the conditions from which I had suffered for so long! In the meantime I added also cold pressed Neem oil derived from the kernels of the fruit of the tree which has different healing properties than the extract from the leaves. This further enhanced the efficacy and healing power of the cream.

Even my psoriasis on both of my elbows disappeared within merely three weeks and now I have to use only one drop of Neem oil per elbow each week to prevent recurring of the psoriasis. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures ‘Before’ and ‘After’. I accepted these results as a miracle and launched my passion for Ayurveda Neem herbal products introducing them as the first company in early 1994 through holistic practitioners to consumers and to the Canadian market.  In the meantime our family company, two of our sons are in charge of our company as managing partners in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, developed additional herbal Neem products such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, tincture, toothpaste and we have also the Neem oil in our program. I brought with me a custom-made Neem display that shows how we present our Neem products to the consumers in Canada. More Neem products will be developed in the future.

As far as I know we are still the only company in Canada who have educated the holistic practitioners and the consumers about the miraculous healing power of Neem by offering free product seminars, writing articles with the topic The Miraculous Neem  and Neem toothpaste: the natural solution for your teeth and gums. These articles have been published in Health Magazines in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and numerous websites on the internet world wide. Furthermore I have done lectures at Health Shows, Naturopathic Colleges, Institutions of Holistic Nutrition, Universities in Canada, Naturopathic College, Portland, OR, USA and was twice interviewed about Neem in 2004 and 2006 by the host Peter Mayhew on his weekly radio program "Human Nature" on CHUM Radio with affiliate radio stations across Canada.

Klaus was invited to be a speaker at the 6th World Neem Conference Nov. 21 - 24, 2012 in Nagpur, India and his topic "My own personal experience with psoriasis and Neem" was very well accepted by the delegates of the Conference and he talked also about his first Neem book with the title "Nature's most powerful skin remedy." On Nov. 21 he was interviewed by the India television station and it was broad casted twice the next day on the English TV channel.

Neem has been declared as the "Tree of the 21st Century" by the United Nations.

Millions of people world wide are suffering from skin diseases such as acne, eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, rosacea, shingles, ringworm to name just a few where Neem could be the answer. It is my passion to share information about the miraculous healing power of the Neem tree with everybody. To this day I remain free of psoriasis on my scalp and elbows by using our Neem shampoo, Neem oil and Neem soap. This simple treatment is NOT a cure, but it alleviates the problem to a great extent, and each person can be in charge of their own body and health....the natural way! Remember, for every disease we know Mother Nature provides a herb to heal and grow!

Of all the plants that have provided proof to us of their healing power throughout the ages, few have offered as much value and versatility as the genuine, unique Neem tree from India. This miraculous herb is truly ancient and yet effective for a modern world, a tree for solving global problems.

FERLOW BOTANICALS introduced as the first company beginning of 1994 herbal medicinal and personal care products inclusive Neem tree products to the Canadian market (health and wellness practitioner clinics and other holistic practitioners in traditional medicine). In the meantime selected stores with holistic practitioners on staff were added on.

And in my wildest dreams I could not imagine that there was a solution for my chronic skin disease of psoriasis and for me the biggest reward is when I can put smiles on peoples faces who have not smiled for a long time due to their suffering with health problems by offering to them herbal medicinal Neem  products without harmful toxic chemical ingredients. That’s worth more than money!!


  1. Catherine Crawford said..

    This is such a positive outcome for you. I am glad you are receiving a positive reception from stores and are spreading the news about Neem.I have used Neem oil in my aromatherapy practise but have found clients reluctant to use it due to the smell, even when blended with lavender, say, to make it more acceptable to them. I have used the tea more, both internally and for baths and scalp rinsing and this has been more acceptable to clients. For me the benefits far outweigh any problem with the smell! I wish you all the best with your products.

  2. Sidney Vincent said..

    We have been selling a range of Neem products since 1999 - an article on Neem in PH helped launch our business - and our satisfaction comes from the testimonials we constantly receive from those that have been helped by using Neem internally and externally.

  3. sahil said..

    use of 777 oil is also good.

  4. S.PARVATHY said..


  5. Chrissie said..

    Good day I belive that you are well, I just want to find out I am from South Africa where can I find your Neem products?God Bless

  6. Klaus Ferlow said..

    Dear S. Parvathy:

    You can us a margo soap and neem oil as long as there are no harmful chemcial ingredients i the products, we have none!

  7. Klaus Ferlowneem said..

    Dear Chrissie:

    Please check with Daleetn Totten, South Africa Natural Magazine,

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About Klaus Ferlow

Klaus Ferlow HMH HA Author, Formulator, Lecturer, Researcher, Writer, Core-founding member of the WNO – World Neem Organisation, member of the International Herb Association, Plant Savers, founder of Ferlow Botanicals & NEEM RESEARCH, co-author of the book "7stepstodentalhealth" and author of the  Award winning book "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to humanity". The third revised edition of "Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity" will be released September 2024, "Neem: The Tree that Heals Nations" and "Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health & Beauty" are released in August 2024. He can be reached at:, ,,


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