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Letters to the Editor Issue 16

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 16 - December 1996

Re: Bizarre Bazaar-Revisited

As a member of the public who has attended both the ‘Health’ shows referred to in the letters from, Leon Chaitow and Jon Turner may I make the following comments.

I attended my first ‘Mind, Body and Spirit Festival’ around six years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I have attended several others since but normally only now attend if there is a specific workshop that I wish to do. The show has grown considerably and it is possible to find just about anything amongst the various stalls present. It is important to exercise discrimination in what you do at the show but surely that applies to life generally.

I heard of The Complementary Health Show through my mother who is a qualified reflexologist and Reiki practitioner. She had seen it advertised in her professional journal. I am a Tisserand aromatherapist trainee and Reiki practitioner. I subscribe to various journals and New Age magazines but did not see the show advertised anywhere else.

My mother and I visited the show on the Sunday, arriving at 10.30 am. We were still there at 17.30 that evening. I have to say that it is the best health show I have ever attended. The mixture and number of stalls was just right and the layout meant that noise was kept to a minimum except in Lecture Room 1 where sounds from below intruded into the two lectures I went to. I was also impressed at the standard of food available in the restaurant and the lack of queuing.

Since the show only seemed to be advertised in professional journals, I assume it was aimed solely at therapists rather than the general public. It would have been nice if some of the more ‘serious’ therapies had been represented but they do seem to want to distance themselves more and more from anything which might be deemed ‘radical’. I do hope the show was a financial success and that there will be more of them.

One final point. One of the first stalls I stopped at was the Positive Health stand where I duly subscribed. I have now read all my back issues and am absolutely delighted with the quality and content of the magazine. Please keep up the good work.

Karen Cromwell

Positive Health did, in fact, advertise both shows in the form of leaflet inserts and full page display advertising. We agree that it was an excellent show with an atmosphere that was quite intimate and without the ‘fringe’ element mentioned by Leon Chaitow in his earlier column.

Insights and Questions

I was very interested  in reading Leon Chaitow’s article: Insights and Questions in your April/May edition of Positive Health.

We have been working on ways of obtaining meaningful information from the intuitional feelings experienced by us all in some degree.

The first step is to separate the parameters of instinctive reactions from those of intuitive feelings. There is a quite logical basis for analysing and qualifying the information obtainable from intuitive feelings, which we have taught here for some years. It is, in our opinion, a major step forward in combining knowledge obtainable by the use of intuition with that obtainable by conscious reasoning to provide more information about, and more help for the patient.

Gordon Smith, The Radionic & Radiesthesia Trust

Response to Applied Kinesiology

In your last issue no 15 you published one article titled Kinesiology by myself and another article titled Applied Kinesiology by Brian Butler. In my article I said “The training and practising of AK (Applied Kinesiology) is open only to those clinicians who have a license to diagnose.” This condition is dictated by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) who have patented the title AK. Anyone using this title who is not eligible to do so is liable to prosecution. The distinction between the two kinesiologies was not made clear in your article on Applied Kinesiology and could leaf to confusion or misunderstanding in your readers.

It is true that many kinesiologists who do not have a licence to diagnose have undertaken some training in Applied Kinesiology and apply kinesiology in their work. this, however, does not entitle them to describe their work as AK. Your article on Applied Kinesiology does not describe the five factors on which AK is based but instead described the five realms which is a description used by kinesiologists who are not Applied Kinesiologists.

I am not in any way suggesting that Applied Kinesiologists are better than Kinesiologists. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

I would suggest that if your readers want an AK practitioner or AK training they check that this is as defined by the ICAK. Details may be obtained from ICAK whose details I listed at the end of my article.

Maggie la Tourelle

Body Harmony
The article I wrote for the previous issue, number 15, on Body Harmony, mentioned that there are currently six International Body Harmony teachers here in the UK. At the end of the piece I gave a couple of contact numbers but in doing so mistakenly gave the impression that those mentioned were the only teachers.
I would like to send a big apology to Linda Simpson in London and Susy Joy in Keinton Mandeville, the other two teachers also based here.

Susie Jewell

Allergy Distress

I really enjoyed issue 15, as a long time subscriber I have watched the magazine grow from a few pages to its present multi-coloured pages.

What I particularly wanted to write about was the articles on Allergies because as a long-time sufferer of eczema (not just me but also other members of my family) many people cannot comprehend the distress it causes. I have had people say that if I didn’t scratch then the whole thing would disappear. If only it was so easy!

Even if you were to follow all the tests outlined in your articles there is no guarantee that you would be cured.

Mary Hampshire

There are never any guarantees about curing any illness or complaint. Skin problems are particularly difficult to eradicate; however, we have published articles etc about people who have cleared up their skin complaints. Dr J has used homoeopathy very successfully. I hope the articles in Issue 15 will be of some help, plus the test mentioned in this issue.


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