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Articles: letters to the editor
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
by Sandra Goodman PhD
The real cause of BSE!! + Bodily wear and tear + Not so Bizarre Bazaar!!
Letters to the Editor Issue 100
by Letters
AIDS: Scientific or Viral Catastrophe? + No Freedom, Thank You, We're French! The Proposed French Legislation to 'Medicalize' and Ban Psychotherapy + The context and current situat...
Letters to the Editor Issue 101
by Letters
Yorkshire Man Ready to Take on European Union + Codex Alimentarius – Optimizing Nutrient Intakes
Letters to the Editor Issue 102
by Letters
Silent Spring Revisited + The Killer Vaccines: An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers
Letters to the Editor Issue 103
by Letters
Healing, A Labor of Love: 100 Stories of Gratitude + Distant Healing Offer + International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF): Breaking News: Codex, EU FSD + Cholesterol Drug Warn...
Letters to the Editor Issue 104
by Letters
Seeking Asthma and Epilepsy Patients for New Biolight Treatment + Aromatherapy Consortium Seeks Lay Members + Symposium re Brain Function and Dysfunction + The Role of DHA upon Vis...
Letters to the Editor Issue 105
by Letters
Hazel Scade Breast Cancer Update + Codex Update + The French Prohibition on Words Related to Healing + Patrick Holford Comments on Lancet Antioxidant Cancer Trial + Lancet Meta-Ana...
Letters to the Editor Issue 106
by Letters
Jane Jones, Campaign Director, National Pure Water Association 1938 – 2004 + Lavender Essential Oil Production in Devon + Nutrition and HIV: Losing Rights to Choose Dietary Supplem...
Letters to the Editor Issue 107
by Letters
Vitamin E, Heart Disease, and Mortality: Doctor Murray’s Newsletter
Letters to the Editor Issue 108
by Letters
Benefits of Coffee Enemas + Obituary + Vitamin E Study Misleads Consumers
Letters to the Editor Issue 109
by Letters
EU Supplement Directive Court Challenge + Response to Johns Hopkins article on Vitamin E by Neil Levin. Is Vitamin E Dangerous in High Doses?
Letters to the Editor Issue 11
by Letters
Book review – Aromatherapy for Health Professionals + Acceptance – the cure for all allergic reaction! + Slipshod Homework + Vivienne Bradshaw Writes
Letters to the Editor Issue 110
by Letters
Michael Lever Replies to Alexander Tennant's letter in Issue 108 Feb 2005 + Reader's Comment re Healing Energy. The Power of Intent + Steve Gamble Replies to Mary + Regulation and ...
Letters to the Editor Issue 112
by Letters
Reader Seeks Help re Dog Vaccinations + Scandalous Refusal to Accept Success Rate of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) + Safety of Complementary Medicines: Health Risk Statistics + New E...
Letters to the Editor Issue 113
by Letters
Global Battle Erupts Over Vitamin Supplements + AIDS Orthodoxy Shaken Up By Maverick Physician
Letters to the Editor Issue 114
by Letters
Latest: EU Food Supplement Directive: The tide is turning… + Surprise Move Sees Controversial EU Directive Upheld + Natural Gallstone Removal + Pitfalls of a Vegetarian Diet? + Fur...
Letters to the Editor Issue 115
by Letters
Obituary: Michael Gearin-Tosh: 16 January 1940-29 July 2005 + Have You Recovered From CFS? + European Food Supplement Ban Avoided By Mutual Cooperation + Study: Beta Blockers Don...
Letters to the Editor Issue 116
by Letters
Obituary and Tribute to Michael Endacott: 1935-2005 + The European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH) Critique of the Lancet Paper: Many Questions are Unanswered + Critics Say...
Letters to the Editor Issue 117
by Letters
More Comment: Tribute to Medical Herbalist Ann Warren Davis + Milk Revealed As Main Cause Of Osteoporosis + Persecution of Alternative Practitioners Treating Cancer in the UK In de...
Letters to the Editor Issue 118
by Letters
Niacin (Vitamin B3) Lowers High Cholesterol Safely + Health Canada Regulations to put Organic Herb Company Out of Business