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Letters to the Editor Issue 199

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 199 - October 2012

ANH-Intl eAlert: Take Back Control Over Your Own Health

It’s worth pondering the paradox we’re faced with when we look closely at the behaviour of the people who hold themselves out to be responsible for us.  Kids think when they grow up they get to be in charge.  It’s a bit of surprise then to find that, once you’ve survived childhood and blossomed into adulthood, you’re not in charge at all.  You find that, in so many areas of life, there are these largely self-appointed people in governments that believe they know more than we do about how we should be protected. 

Who’s in Charge of your Health?

In Europe, it’s gone especially topsy-turvy. I’m referring of course particularly to the bureaucrats who work in the European Commission.  These people are unelected and are handed extraordinary powers courtesy of the Lisbon Treaty.  If it weren’t true, you’d have to think we were making it up.  But these are the people who believe that we need to be protected from vitamins, minerals and herbs and are now forcing the removal of information from life-saving, chronic disease-reducing foods and health supplements that previously allowed consumers to find these products in a crowded marketplace.  Yes, that’s the EU health claims issue we continue to be up in arms over.

As our fluoride campaign story this week shows, these are the same people who are choosing to drop the ball on the drinking water fluoridation issue.  But while one ball rolls aimlessly on the floor polished floors of its Brussels offices, the European Commission continues to do its darndest - as you’ll find in our GM story - to force us to eat GM foods in our every mouthful.  Citizens of the UK and Ireland, please engage with our anti-fluoride campaign and start writing your letters to your elected representatives.  We’ve given you some simple guidance to help.  This is the time to do what we can to stop the poisoning of children unnecessarily.  Check out our position paper on drinking water fluoridation that we’ve also released this week - rarely has public health policy been so misguided.

The People in Charge of the World’s Health

And, as if this were not enough, you then have a different kind of bureaucrat working for ‘the greater good’ in international agencies, such as the World Health Organisation.  These organizations hold themselves out as being even higher in the pecking order than mere governments.  But like the government bureaucracies, their personnel are unelected.  These people believe, it seems, in developing policy in a big way, which means they like telling other people what to do, including governments.  As we see in our final story this week, it seems that the WHO’s Health 2020 programme is doomed to failure - it appears to be yet another charade to help the WHO’s allies in the big corporations.  We’d love nothing more than being proved wrong about this, because something has to be done to avoid a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions as the baby-boomer generation hits old age.  We can all talk the language of self-empowerment in health, like the WHO now chooses to do, but until the right kind of guidance is given that has the capacity to truly transform people’s health, the status quo remains. 

Getting back to paradoxes, which is how I opened this eAlert, it’s peculiar, to say the least, that bureaucrats in the European Commission and the World Health Organisation are doing everything they can to silence minorities who are trying to make a difference.  And that includes people such as ourselves, who are keen to communicate information that we and thousands of others are using to transform our own health and so minimise our disease risk.  If only I could say each to his own….

In health, naturally

Robert Verkerk PhD
Founder, Executive and Scientific Director, Alliance for Natural Health



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