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Letters to the Editor Issue 200

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 200 - November 2012

Fluoride is Toxic, Indeed a Lethal Poison

Fluoride is toxic, and there is enough of it in one standard tube of toothpaste to kill a 20-pound child. It is a waste product of the aluminium and fertilizer industries. When it is introduced into a living body, fluoride acts as an enzyme inhibitor that interferes with cellular function.

Fluoride is, and always has been, listed as a lethal poison in the Merck Manual, the standard manual on diseases and toxins used as a reference by all physicians. Another unknown fact is that worldwide studies have proven that adding fluoride to drinking water is not effective in reducing or preventing tooth decay.

After all, fluoride is used as a rodenticide and insecticide. It is interesting that, in 1944 the American Dental Association (ADA) took the position that 1.2-3ppm (parts per million) of fluoride in drinking water caused osteosclerosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, goitre and brain damage.

A regular toothpaste has 1,450ppm when the National Institute of Health recommend 1ppm. We can find fluoride in: Dental care products (mouthwash, toothpaste, dental floss, topical fluoride, etc) steel, aluminium, high octane gasoline, computer circuit boards, pesticides, refrigerant gas, Teflon, waterproof clothing, bricks, fertilizers, drugs (Prozac and Cipro), microwavable popcorn bags, hamburger wrapping, and uranium for nuclear weapons.

Recent studies confirmed that high doses of Fluoride causes cognitive deficits, dental fluorosis, sores in mouth, joint stiffness, retarded behaviour, lowering of IQ, higher rates of cancer, birth defects, osteoporosis and in particular hip fractures.  

We do not recommend fluoride, especially topical fluoride, the gel that traditional dentist apply at the end of a prophylaxis. That gel has up to 10,000ppm the same dose found in a ‘sensitive teeth’ toothpaste.

Whole Body Dentistry - by Dr Marrk A Breiner DDS

Source: Mike Menkes

Oncologists Are the Worst People to Treat Cancer

by Mark Sircus - Director on 28 September 2012

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are highly toxic treatments aimed at killing cancer cells. The problem is these therapies create cancer stem cells and that means instead of treating cancer, they are causing cancer. This is a long story that is going to have a short ending because the gig is up for orthodox oncology. They have reached the point of no return and should all retire before they are thrown in jail for deliberately provoking more cancer in their patients.

Fox News and many others have published the news about this undesirable effect of helping to create cancer stem cells  researchers say are particularly adept at generating new tumours and are especially resistant to treatment. The medical media is saying that this might help explain why late-stage cancers are often resistant to both radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

We know that cancer stem cells give rise to new tumours. These stem cells are ultimately responsible for the recurrence of cancer or the dangerous spreading of it throughout the body. Scientists also have found that cancer stem cells are more likely than other cancer cells to survive chemotherapies and radiation therapies, probably because their ‘stemness’ allows them to self-replenish by repairing their damaged DNA and removing toxins.

“Radiotherapy has been a standard treatment for cancer for so long, so we were quite surprised that it could induce stemness,” said study researcher Dr. Chiang Li, of Harvard Medical School in Boston. An amazing statement considering these doctors have all along been playing around with super-toxic chemotherapy poisons and radioactive death-inducing rays and now they are surprised that this is the mechanism of death?

Oncologists and Stress

The CDC says that, “Intensive and prolonged stress can lead to a variety of short- and long-term negative health effects. It can disrupt early brain development and compromise functioning of the nervous and immune systems. In addition, childhood stress can lead to health problems later in life including alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.”

Oncologists do not help people with their stress; they are trained to increase it! Most cancer patients, feeling burdened by poor self-images, unresolved conflict and worries, or past emotional conflict/trauma that still lingers in the subconscious mind and cellular memories, are extremely vulnerable to domineering oncologists who think they know all about cancer and how to treat it.

When cancer occurs there is often a strong undercurrent of emotional uneasiness and deep-seated frustration. It helps tremendously to confront and address these issues but that is not at all what present-day oncology is about. Orthodox oncologists will only cause more trauma, conflict and worry, and that will not help people recover from cancer.

The Best-Trained Doctors

The best-trained doctors in the country, from schools like Harvard Medical or any other, are ill-trained to deal with today’s medical realities. They are, in fact, hopelessly lost without their pharmaceutical medicines, each of which delivers a toxic wallop to the body.

They were trained to be chemical witchdoctors and to ‘practise medicine’ solely based on prescribing harmful drugs that ultimately undermine one’s health. They were totally brainwashed in medical school and throughout their internships and residencies at hospitals and they remain oblivious to the harm they cause. Some say we should have compassion for them because they have no choice but to ‘toe the line’ if they want to keep their jobs.

Doctors are not going to like it one bit when people start understanding how obsolete they are. If they are humble and have the courage to change and start practising a new form of medicine, they can continue to serve their patients and their oaths to not hurt people.

Every direction we turn in medicine we see the same tale. Breast cancer survivors of chemotherapy, for example, are facing increased risk of heart disease - so much so that at least some doctors are debating if it’s time to abandon chemotherapy as a mainstay in breast cancer treatment. Drugs called anthracyclines are a breast chemo staple despite the well-known risks: They weaken women’s hearts. “In the process of curing their breast cancer, we’ve exposed them to some pretty nasty things. And it’s not just one nasty thing, it’s a sequence of nasty things,” explains Dr. Pamela Douglas, a Duke University cardiologist.

It’s normally the job of the physician to explain to patients what they need and what will happen if they follow their recommendations and what will happen if they don’t. They lie to themselves about the alternatives so they really do not know or understand any other kind of treatment but their own. It’s almost impossible to find doctors who are not heavily biased and today’s cancer industry is a battlefield between alternative methods and failed mainstream oncology.

Ask an oncologist this most important question: What sense is there in saving my life if you are going to also destroy it? Beware and take care, for once you open the door and walk down the orthodox oncology aisle, there is no getting away from treatments without being treated as a criminal. God forbid you try to take your kids out of their reach for they will call social services and have you separated from your kids by the SWAT team. Oncologists’ attitudes will normally seem polite until you try to question or challenge their treatment protocols and then they think nothing of legally stripping you of your rights.

Studies show that as many as two-thirds of cancer patients
who use unproven remedies do not tell their doctors, knowing the
bitter conflict and scathing medical disapproval they will receive.

The public’s perceptions of health and medicine have been implanted in the public consciousness by thousands of media clips every year. But obviously if one pays attention one can see in these same media clips (seen above) that orthodox oncology with both its dangerous diagnostics and treatment strategies is a really bad idea.

Two hundred billion dollars has been spent on losing the war on cancer. That’s the score! But  cures for cancer don’t grow out of single medicinals or pharmaceuticals - but from following well-thought-out protocols that takes every aspect of cancer and its multiple causes into account.

Doctors rarely talk about ‘curing’ cancer. Instead, the success of treatment is judged on whether a patient is alive five, 10 and 15 years after diagnosis. It is amazing, after all the slash, burning and cutting that oncologists do that survival rates are actually up a little. For instance at the turn of the decade the statistics for England and Wales show that the five-year survival rate for all cancers in men is 31 per cent, while for women the survival rate is 43 per cent. The figures are similar for Scotland. Today though still dismal, they are somewhat better.

Dr Mark Allan Sircus Ac OMD DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine


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