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Letters to the Editor Issue 55

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 55 - August 2000

Gerson Book is Available

I read today in your recent publication about the person who cannot obtain Max Gerson's book on cancer therapy. I contacted the Gerson Support Group, who know nothing at all about any difficulty in aquiring a copy of this book, and if your reader sends a cheque for £19.00 made payable to the Gerson Support Group and PO Box 74, Leatherhead, Surry KT22 7YD, they will send him a copy.

Hope this is of help.

I really enjoy your magazine and look forward to it every month. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes
Beatrice Webb

Liver-Gallbladder Flush that Works

Today I got the last issue of Positive Health which I am reading with interest as usual. I also want to congratulate you on your good editorials ! When I came to the article by Janet Bevan and her fairly desperate struggles with gall stones I really felt must write to ask you to tell her about the painless and so very effective apple juice cum oil flush method which tens of thousands have used with good result. It only takes 6 days! Maybe others will write too?

I send some information about it. Dulwich Health Society has a detailed description but one can just go ahead without that too. A second go is very seldom required but can be done. Some get a recurrence from having certain allergies to egg, pork, onions etc. I have seen several patients get well; hospitals are not 100% happily surprised! I suppose you also know about this but I want to make sure that poor Janet Bevan gets to know.

Liver-Gall Bladder Flush

1. For 5 days prior to 'flush' drink 2 litres of fresh pure apple juice daily. Eat normal as fat free as possible.

2. On the sixth day
A. Have no evening meal.
B. At 9pm take 1 or 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt dissolved in 1-2 tablespoons of warm water.
C. At l0pm mix half a cup (4oz) unrefined olive oil with 2oz lemon juice.
D. IMMEDIATELY upon finishing the olive oil and juice, go to bed and lie on your right side with your right knee drawn up towards your chin. Remain in this position for 30 minutes before going to sleep. This encourages the olive oil to drain from your stomach, helping contents of the bladder and/or liver to move into the small intestine
E. Another Epsom salt solution may be needed during the night so prepare one before going to bed.
3. Next morning the stones will pass, will be green in colour and soft as putty.

C.McFarlane PhD.,Chem. ECNP
11 Beechfield Rd Gosforth
Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4DR

Review: Massage 2000 – Energy and Transformation Conference

The Commonwealth Institute, 20 May 2000, 10am-6pm.
By Georgina Langdale.

Massage 2000 was held on a beautiful sunny day at the Commonwealth Institute in London. The event was organized by the massage training school Essentials for Health with the aim of bringing massage and aromatherapists together with the opportunity for networking and education.

The event opened with a massage dance; Essentials for Health director Gill Tree massaged while two dancers performed, combining massage movements with elements of Tai Chi and traditional Japanese dance.

There was a range of talks and demonstrations during the day. Dympna O'Brien and Doreen Uzice's Thai Massage demonstration was superb and a real highlight of the day. Their performance highlighted the moves and fluidity of Thai massage and afterwards there were many people queuing for a 10-minute massage from both Doreen and Dympna in the exhibition hall.

Mia Elmaster gave a very informative and entertaining talk on infant massage in Swedish day care centres. She said that now at least 70% of Swedish day care centres are either aware of, or use massage in the classroom. She explained how massage has brought a sense of care and community into the classroom and has even managed to tame the traditional bullies. She also had the hall in fits of laughter as they followed her weather and pizza massages.

Jeanie Dyer of the Royal Marsden Hospital gave an interesting talk on the role of massage in cancer care. It would have been even better if she'd had longer to speak as many of the points were rushed through in the short time frame.

As energy and transformation were the key messages of the conference, there were a number of speakers talking about the ability to harness energy. Transformational coach, Soliera Green talked about setting the intent at the beginning of the massage, while Will Goodey explained some useful NLP techniques to use when asking your client questions and planning the treatment.

In the exhibition hall there were a number of exhibitors and a wide variety of massage available, from Indian Head to Tui Na. In a way this was one of the most informative aspects of Massage 2000 as it was interesting to watch the different therapists at work and get a sense of the different techniques being employed.

Gill Tree was an entertaining host and a polished public speaker. Her enthusiasm for massage was infectious. At the end of the day I overhead someone saying they had met another therapist in their town and was looking forward to meeting her again and perhaps working together with client referrals. This was a real joy and showed how beneficial the opportunity for professionals to network can be.

On a practical level it would be great to see these conferences introducing UK therapists to some of the more advanced American massage techniques such as myofascial and neuromuscular therapy; perhaps these sort of topics could be included in future conferences.

All in all the conference was a good day out and I commend Essentials for Health for organizing this event although I would like to have seen more practical advice.

Massage 2000 will be in Manchester on 21 October. Information is available on the Massage 2000 hotline 0208 539 3324.


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