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Colour Integrated with Aromatherapy

by Gwyneth Pick(more info)

listed in light and colour, originally published in issue 48 - January 2000

Over the last twenty years, the subject of Aromatherapy has been much talked about and is fairly well understood by most people. The shop shelves are well stocked with 'aromatherapy' products of one kind or another. Colour Therapy, however, has perhaps only more recently been brought to the attention of those interested in so called 'alternative therapies.' I would like to explain a little of how these two ancient healing methods can be used together and how they complement each other. Ancient cultures and civilisations used aroma and colour as healing tools and I am sure that the use of these two combined is not a new concept.

Diagram showing positions and functions of chakras and examples of suitable essential oils.

Diagram showing positions and functions of chakras and examples of suitable essential oils.

How do these two therapies work together? The answer is simply because both are vibrational healing methods. Colour is light energy vibrating at different frequencies. We recognise this energy as different colours through colour sensory nerve cells at the back of the eyes. On perception of a certain colour, our mind will throw up many thoughts, emotions, memories associated with that colour, perhaps connected through personal experience and memory, which will make us feel happy, sad, angry, etc.

The vibrational frequencies of colours also resonate throughout our aura and are specifically associated with the seven main energy centres or chakras of the body. These seven colours are usually perceived as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet – in fact all the colours that we see in a rainbow!

Essential oils, like colours, also resonate at varying frequencies and contain the vibrational healing energies of the plants, trees, flowers or fruit from which they were extracted. Many essential oils vibrate at similar frequencies to the chakra colours and in this way it is possible to integrate colour with aroma in order to stimulate, heal, relax and balance ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. For example, some oils and colours just simply do not work well together, such as frankincense and the colour red; like two instruments playing out of tune; resulting in disharmony and imbalance. The reason being, whilst red energy vibrates at a very low frequency, frankincense oil vibrates at a much higher level.

Twelve months ago, the idea occurred to me to create a product that would combine the use of colour and essential oils and so Colour Therapy Bath Foam was born; one bath foam in each of the seven chakra colours. The product would be essentially relaxing but the client would choose the chakra colour that they were most attracted to. Within each bottle of coloured bath foam is an aromatic blend of essential oils which resonate and complement each colour.

After a great deal of research I asked a client to test the product out.

Moving into the age of Aquarius, many of us are becoming more spiritually aware and are becoming more attuned to our minds and bodies; more importantly, we are beginning to use our intuition rather than just logic. Listen to your intuition. If you are attracted to a certain colour, indulge yourself with this colour; use the essential oils which resonate with the colour and feel the effects. Sometimes we are attracted to colours and oils for months or years at a time; sometimes these colour phases are more short-lived. This depends on what is happening currently in our lives, our experiences and environment and how we address and deal with situations and problems we find ourselves in.

The easiest way to use colour and aroma together is by using essential oil in the bath or in an oil burner and to visualise your 'favourite' colour or to focus on a lit candle of that colour. Silk chakra scarves can be placed around the body, over the corresponding chakra points themselves or wherever needed.

The Crown Paint Company has even brought out a range of paint colours designed by a colour therapist so that you can now decorate your home with your favourite colours if you feel the need to have large areas in your chosen chakra colour!

The most important factor, I feel, to remember when using colour and aroma together, is to listen to your inner voice of intuition and choose your colour and scent accordingly.

Further Reading

Davies Patricia. Subtle Aromatherapy. CW Daniel. 1991
Merivale Philippa. Healing with Colour – An Experience of Aura Soma. Element Books. 1998.
White Ruth. Chakras – A New Approach To Healing Your Life. Judy Piatkus. 1998.

Case Studies

Case Study: Orange

     Cheryl had just lost her job, her car, her partner and the business into which she had invested time, money and effort. She had been through a traumatic experience to say the least and was feeling rather lost. I asked her to choose the colour bath foam that she most felt drawn to, and after a few moments and being told to eliminate thoughts of which one would match her bathroom, she chose orange. She herself was very surprised at this because she did not really ‘like’ the colour orange and would never dream of wearing it. Nevertheless, she felt strangely attracted to it. Not only this, she loved the scent of the bath foam and enjoyed religiously bathing in the product every day. To enhance the colour aspect, I gave Cheryl an orange candle to light and focus on whilst she enjoyed her aromatic bath. She soon asked for more bath foam and continued using it for some time.
     Cheryl has now found another job and is well on the way to leading a settled life where she feels in control of her own
     Orange is a shock absorber. It is good as a post-trauma remedy as it lends a sense of joy, happiness and reassurance, helping us to put ourselves back together to the person that we know and recognise. Geranium oil is a great balancer which complements orange very well and rose has a nurturing effect helping to heal the mind body and spirit, particularly following a physical or mental trauma.

Case Study: Violet

     Sue runs her own successful essential oil business. She has worked on her own spirituality for some time but has carried grief over the death of her father for many years. He died when she was a child. On Christmas Eve she went into a deep depression which she describes as a mini-breakdown. She decided to use the violet bath foam which contains neroli, an oil which resonates at a very high level.
     After her bath, she felt relaxed and felt ready to connect to her higher consciousness. Sue lit the violet candle and went into meditation. She felt literally embraced by spirits surrounding her, reassuring her and enabling her to finally let go of the grief over her father’s death and to shed tears which had been stored up for so long. After letting go, she felt on a spiritual ‘high’ and full of a feeling of joy and optimism for the future.
     Violet connects us to our higher consciousness, making it easier to meditate and connect to spirit. It is also a colour of transition as it connects us to the higher astral planes. Neroli and frankincense are both oils that resonate at a high frequency and therefore
complement violet very well.

Case Study: Green

     Mrs L. had lost her husband to a terminal illness, and although she knew that he was going to die, she felt lost, alone and heartbroken after his death. Despite this, she recognised the need to go on and provide a happy home for her two young children. She chose the green bath foam. Green resonates with the heart chakra and relates to freedom, peace and balance. Mrs L. certainly felt the need to heal her heart and put her life back into balance.
     After a few months, she had managed to sell the family business and move to another area with her children to start afresh in a new home and a new business.
     Green helps to heal the heart and bring a sense of harmony to us. Relating to the heart chakra it bridges the gap between our own self will and the will of the divine. Bergamot oil lends a sense of freshness, space and freedom, whilst rose and inula oils help to heal and calm this chakra.


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About Gwyneth Pick

Gwyneth Pick has worked as an alternative health therapist for the past seven years with aromatherapy, reflexology and as a reiki master. She has always been fascinated by colour but did not understand its effects fully until after going through a divorce, when she realised that she craved the colour green. She wanted to wear green, be surrounded by green, and found peace and tranquillity in the green of the countryside. She realised that green was having a healing effect on her life. Since then she has been through several colour phases and it has been these experiences that have led to the creation of Colour Therapy Bath Foam. Sidebar intro Over the last twenty years, the subject of Aromatherapy has been much talked about and is fairly well understood by most people. The shop shelves are well stocked with 'aromatherapy' products of one kind or another. Colour Therapy, however, has perhaps only more recently been brought to the attention of those interested in so called 'alternative therapies.' I would like to explain a little of how these two ancient healing methods can be used together and how they complement each other.

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